24th Blood | Marble Phantasm your heart!

Aug 28, 2011 16:32

[Tonight, all around town, Mayfielders may be treated to an extremely odd sight. Those in town who actually know anything about Magical Girl shows will likely be able to understand what is going on, and will likely think it's totally and completely stupid. To those who don't, however, tonight will be the most confusing night of their lives if ( Read more... )

lets play pretend!, crime fighting, mahou shojou, this is stupid, guys she loves this so much, ciel could never be this cool, that skirt is really short, phantasmoon, beautiful heroine, shiki stop staring, arcueid shenanigans

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2 nothing_is_grey August 28 2011, 21:39:02 UTC
[She's not doing anything evil, though perhaps she is doing something suspicious. She's floating up in the air, her mirror before her, spying on her charges out and about the city.]


nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 06:09:01 UTC
Is that the proper mentality of someone who is claiming to fight for justice?


If you fight for justice, you must fight so there is justice for all!


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 06:34:19 UTC
What, you mean so there's justice for the evildoers who would harm others as well?

[Reality warped, the wand is returned to Arcueid's hand.]

I don't buy that! [She hops onto another rooftop, but does not attack Shiki yet.]

Tell me, villain, what is your name? I wish to know the name of one I am about to vanquish!


nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 06:38:14 UTC
Of course, justice is not selective, one must be just to those of evil as they are to those of good. Justice must be unbiased, it must be balanced and it must be fair.

[Her spell card finally runs out.]

Shiki Eiki Yamaxanadu, Supreme Judge of Paradise.


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 07:04:57 UTC
Well, you sure aren't being unbiased right now. You seemed like you got pretty mad just because of the things I said.

So then you used to power to punish me. If that's not being completely biased I really don't know what is, Eiki!

[Of course she's not going to call the woman Shiki...that name carries too much importance.]


nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 08:58:26 UTC
I am allowed to be insulted as I am allowed to be displeased with those who know not how to be respectful. I gave you what you wanted, as you were the one who insisted on a fight. The only thing I did was not wait for you to attack me as you claimed you would. Anyway, danmaku is perfectly safe. It would be another thing if I had attacked you viciously with a blunt object, such as a car.

[It was too familiar but she wouldn't comment on that right now.]


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 16:14:38 UTC
[Well...she can't really argue with THAT. She did want a fight...but she had to stay in character.]

Hahaha! Do you really think your mind games will work on me, Evil Judge from Hell? I cannot allow you to pry into the lives of the innocent!

[She moves into another flashy set of poses, her wand beginning to glow intensely with the force of her sparkles.]

Phantasmoon finisher...RED MOON MISSILE, PERVERT CRUSHER!!!!

[She hurls the wand toward Shiki with all of her might once more, the intensely glowing wand shooting through the air faster than the speed of sound.

When the attack is finished, however, Shiki will notice Arcueid running away. Hey, it's hard to fight someone that won't come close enough to the ground for a good fight! She got bored. She's also curious if the woman will follow her...but Arcueid will have to catch her being a pervert on another night if she doesn't.]


nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 19:43:55 UTC
It is a sin to lie about your intentions, to pretend you care about innocent's being violated when all it is you want is a conflict is deception. Do not use the guise of a hero when you are more likened to a villain yourself.

[When the attack did finish she did notice Arcueid running off, for a moment she considered letting the woman go, but there was a definite lesson to teach here. Letting her convictions as a judge take precedent she followed. Though it wasn't so much following he as it was suddenly appearing in front of her.]

And more proof that you are only causing problems for a self centered reason.


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 20:32:49 UTC
[Woah, she's fast. Either way it put Arcueid in the perfect position to open up on the small woman with her claws, not bothering to stop her forward momentum. These are no normal claws, either, they are claws with the power behind them to shred 6-inch thick steel.]

Phantasmoon Scratch!


nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 21:26:55 UTC
[Eiki places the Cleansed Crystal Mirror in the way, using it as if it were a shield. It creates quite the clash.]

Such actions are really bellow one who claims to be a defender of justice. Though that is only a claim isn't it? If there is no true conviction behind it, it is nothing more than a lie. Liars are sinners that should be punished, repent your lies and pursue truth.

[She raises the Rod of Remorse upward.]

If you do not, you will face your sins directly.


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 21:34:05 UTC
[Arcueid hops backwards, pointing her once-again created wand in Shiki's direction.]

Isn't that overstepping the boundaries of your job? A judge isn't the executioner, the judge doesn't deliver the punishments! A judge only gives the sentence and that's it!

I think you just like being a pervert as well as beating people! That isn't justice, it's abuse of power!


nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 21:50:27 UTC
A Yama both judges and exacts punishment, and sharing a bit of that punishment as education will take those who stray and set them again on the right path.


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 21:54:03 UTC
That's so stupid, you're just changing your own job description to meet your perverted needs!

A hero of justice cannot abide a sadist running loose! You'll pay for this! [With that, Arcueid emits an enormous explosion of sparkles, which blanket the entire area. She seems to disappear among the crescent-moon shaped lights.]


nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 22:04:01 UTC
Not at all, you may ask those familiar with it.

[She doesn't do anything this time. If they left they left, but if she ran across them again she would make sure they saw the error of their ways.]


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 22:06:34 UTC
[Nope, Eiki's really pissed Arc off at this point, and that wand is coming at her from behind with the force of a meteor descending upon the earth. She wants to teach THIS woman a lesson, now.]



nothing_is_grey August 29 2011, 22:16:01 UTC
[That intent so suddenly behind her, and did you really yell out a surprise attack? It was more reflexive than it was decided, but before she was even aware of it she was pushing energy outward and away enclosing herself in a bubble as defense.]



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