I would really suggest staying as far away from As I Lay Dying as humanly possible. Also, if you really want to give Atlas Shrugged a shot, please let me know how it goes. I've tried five different times over the span of four years to read that book, and I still haven't broken 25 pages. Which is odd to me, because I seem to be the only human alive that enjoyed the Fountainhead. Fahrenheit 451 was really good, the Grapes of Wrath is terrible and disturbing. I haven't read The Sun Also Rises, but I read his In Our Time... and it was...disturbing. If I were you, I would start with A Wrinkle In Time. It is still one of my favorite books, and I've read it at least ten times.
GATSBY. I'm so happy you've read it, and even more thrilled that you loved it. I just had to reread it for my Modern American Fiction class... I had forgotten how much I loved it, and how sad it was. Please tell me what you liked about it. I'm not going to lie... I have a bit of a crush on Mr. James Gatz. :D
Comments 14
I also have a soft spot for Slaughter-house-five by Vonnegut. I have yet to read his other books but I've heard Cat's Cradle is fantastic.
The Phantom tollbooth, The Witches, and Charlotte's web were childhood favorites. My favorite book in high school was lord of the flies.
GATSBY. I'm so happy you've read it, and even more thrilled that you loved it. I just had to reread it for my Modern American Fiction class... I had forgotten how much I loved it, and how sad it was. Please tell me what you liked about it. I'm not going to lie... I have a bit of a crush on Mr. James Gatz. :D
PS. I stole this, I hope you don't mind.
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