Remembrance (Of Things Past) - Above: Part Two

Mar 21, 2011 10:36

It was late that evening, the moons had risen and still Lucifer had not joined his brothers.  Gabriel had arrived first and had set to work arranging fruits and bread for his brothers to eat, pouring honey sweetened juice into a pitcher and setting it to cool in the stream.

Michael had arrived next and Gabriel had taken his time, exploring each bruise and scratch, applying salve with gentle fingers.  Gabriel rose to stand behind his brother, gently tracing the delicate lines that delineated the shape of wings, and feathers, waiting for Michael to extend his wings, to bring form to life.  Michael shuddered at the feel of Gabriel’s soft caress, his skin shivering then tightening as bones and skin and muscle shifted.

Gabriel stepped back, allowing space for the dark wings to spread, tips drooping to the floor.  Warm hands soothed the tender skin between his brother’s shoulders.  He then started running careful fingers through the wings.  Feathers were straightened, those that were damaged beyond repair were delicately removed to allow new feathers to replace them.

The soft touch of Gabriel’s fingers, as he carefully realigned the barbs of the long primary feathers; as he knelt beside his brother, running his fingers through the soft down close to Michael’s ribs to coat them in powder down, spreading it over each wing in turn, had Michael closing his eyes, almost purring with pleasure.

“Mmmm Gabriel, you had best stop and save some of that talent for Lucifer, or I shall be completely unable to hold up any part of a conversation.”

Gabriel rose, running his fingers one last time along the long bone that arced up from Michael’s shoulder, enjoying the slight tremor that shivered across his brother’s skin.

“It is not like Lucifer to be so late, perhaps we should find out what is amiss?”  Michael’s brows drew down into a frown, the fearsome warrior suddenly all too apparent in his face.

“Come brother, let us see if he is in his rooms.”

They moved swiftly through the sky towards the amethyst tower that Lucifer had claimed as his.  As they approached they noticed that the lower levels were unlit, only the topmost room showing the dim glow of candlelight.  Alighting softly outside on the balcony, they moved as one towards the wide glass doors.  Michael had just reached for the handle when the sound of shattering crystal inside sent both of them rushing through the door, Michael’s sword half drawn.

Gabriel’s eyes widened as he took in the destruction.  The long table that was usually in the middle of the room was up against the far wall, bowls and candelabra scattered across the floor.  The fruit that they would have shared for breakfast was dripping down the walls, lying in piles of pulp and sticky juices.  And in the far corner was Lucifer, curled in on himself regarding the last remaining crystal glass, the rest spread across the room in shards.

Lucifer raised his head, moving his dark gaze from the crystal in his hand to his two brothers, cerulean eyes unfocused and shimmering with tears.  Gabriel was already halfway across the room, Michael following close behind, his dark eyes checking the room for threats, although he had no idea what could have reduced the room to this, his brother to this.

“He is replacing us.”

The words were so softly uttered, the sound so completely heartbroken, that Gabriel had to ask his brother to repeat them.

“Our Father, Our Father who loved us above all others,” Lucifer’s voice rose to a scream.

“He is replacing us!  He has created a new race.  A race in His image…”  As his voice faded away, the last glass flew across the room, passing between Gabriel and Michael to shatter against the far wall.  Lucifer curled back up, head drooping, golden hair falling limp across his face.

“He wishes us to swear to them, to put ourselves beneath them, to love them as much as we love Him…”  Lucifer’s voice broke, soft, heart-rending sobs shaking his shoulders, the muted sounds brought Gabriel to his knees, arms reaching out to his beloved big brother.

“Luci, hush, hush.”  Gabriel brushed his lips across his brother’s forehead, moving down over each eyelid, kissing away the tears, thumbs brushing Lucifer’s high cheekbones, fingers gently cradling his brother’s face.

“Surely that cannot be so.  He has always loved us above all, you most of all, His Lightbringer, His golden son, First Prince of Heaven.”

Michael added, “Come, sit between us, let us offer you comfort, tell us what transpired.”

Michael cleared a space, collected what cushions and covers he could, built a nest for Lucifer amongst the wreckage of his once beautiful room.  Gabriel gently pulled Lucifer to his feet, guiding his trembling steps, lowering Lucifer down into Michael’s outstretched arms.

The two angels, one each side of their brother, waited as Lucifer dragged in shaky breaths, and then in a voice so soft even their angelic hearing struggled, Lucifer told them what had happened.

“I was so joyous this morning, to spend time in our Father’s presence, to see His new work.  And He was so pleased, so anxious for me to see it.  And there it lay, small and naked, without wings or angelic gifts.  And He told me that He had named it Man.  That He had created it in His image, had given it free will, that He had given it the gift of creating life, the gift of procreation.  And He had made a world for it, a world like ours, full of wonders and He would place it there without restraint, without asking it to obey, to love Him.”

Lucifer’s voice had risen again, words cracking with emotion.

“He could not see as I could, that it would turn from Him, that it would not love Him as we do, as I do.  He could not see that this small, grubby creature would idolise others before Him, that it would break His heart.”

Gabriel and Michael were still with shock, staring at their brother, the fevered look in his eyes, unable to find the words to interrupt Lucifer’s increasingly heated monologue.

Michael rubbed a hand softly up and down his brother's arm, trying to soothe away the tremors that ran through Lucifer's body.  “Surely our Father has a purpose in this, we need only listen and His will and His thoughts will be made clear to us.  Gabriel will surely be given the message to spread across the Host.  It cannot be as bad as you believe.  Come brother, come back with me tonight, we will not leave you here, will we Gabriel?”

Gabriel traced gentle fingers across Lucifer’s cheekbones, collecting teardrops, worry creasing his brow.  He urged his brother to go with Michael, knowing that Lucifer needed the contact, needed his brother's love.  He wrapped his arms around his beloved sibling, helping Lucifer to his feet.

“I will follow shortly, I’ll just try to… you know…”  Gabriel waved a hand at the wreckage of the room.  He followed Michael and Lucifer to the balcony, watching as Michael gathered Lucifer into his arms, wings beating heavily to support the weight of both of them.  He turned back to the room, a dark premonition bringing him to his knees, a single tear falling unheeded.  Shoulders stiffening, a deep breath expanded his chest, exhaled on a ghost of a sigh.

He knew Lucifer would not be returning to this room, but he cleaned anyway, setting the table upright again, collecting pottery and crystal shards, knowing that they could never piece his brother’s heart back together as easily as he could bind the pieces of these.

Finally, he placed the last glass back on the table and headed for the balcony.  He turned to take one last look at the room, the long table where his brothers and he had shared so many meals, other angels dropping in to partake of Lucifer’s generosity, the glasses raised so many times in happy toasts.  Gabriel knew the bowls would no longer overflow with fruits, the platters would remain empty.  The room shimmered through a veil of tears.

Gabriel closed his eyes and raised his hand, extinguished the last candles with a thought, before fleeing the darkness towards Michael’s tower.

Alighting softly on the ground outside he took the long way in by climbing stairs, hoping the physical exertion would calm some of the turmoil within.  Arriving at the room Michael used as his sleeping chamber, Gabriel pushed aside the curtains.  Across the room, in the soft glow of candlelight, two figures lay entwined, the bright glow of Lucifer’s hair spread across Michael’s darker skin, Lucifer’s head rested on his eldest brother’s shoulder, one pale hand over his heart as if seeking comfort from the steady beat.

Michael’s arms curled around his brother, holding him close, his head inclined towards his brother as if to place a gentle kiss upon his hair.

Gabriel felt the gentle summons, a soft tug on his soul, his Father was calling.  He crossed the room, almost silent on the plush rugs.  However, quiet as he was, no-one was ever able to sneak up on Michael, tear dampened lashes rising to reveal dark, worried eyes.  Gabriel whispered softly to his brother, letting him know where was he was going.  Michael nodded, rubbing soothing circles across their brother’s back as he met Gabriel’s eyes, sharing his unvoiced worry.

Gabriel left from the balcony, winging his way across the sky, for the first time wondering if he really wanted to share his Father’s message.


A new day dawned, the rising light finding Gabriel as he carried his Father’s message across the First Heaven, summoning all angels to the Plain in front of the Mount.  He did not share any of the news his brother had imparted the previous night, only telling everyone that the summons had come out, watching each angel take wing and head towards the plains.

He finally reached the last Garrison, the outpost at the edge of the First Heaven.  His brother Uriel was there, his large body already winging out to meet Gabriel as he neared.

“You are all summoned to the Plains.  Our Father has news He wishes to share with each and every one of us.”  Gabriel intoned.

Uriel’s deep voice called out to the rest of the Garrison.  Gabriel watched the last few angels as they spread wings to join them.  He only knew the names of two of them by sight, Castiel and Anna. The group joined him, taking formation behind Anna as they made their way back to join the rest of the Host.

Anna and Castiel dropped to the ground first, taking the rest of the Garrison with them.  Uriel followed his brother closer to the front, dropping down to land gracefully beside Raphael, the two of them exchanging fond greetings.  Gabriel cast his eyes towards the front, to the raised platform, with the semi circle of seats for the Council on the left, the three larger chairs in front and to the right, and finally the throne.

As the sound of shuffling wings and the soft murmur of voices behind him began to quiet, Gabriel alighted softly beside his brothers.  Michael’s arms came out to embrace him first, worry still creasing his face.

“I have brought him here, brother dearest, but he is not himself.  I fear for him.  But surely once our Father arrives, Luci will see that what He has decided is right and that His faith and love for us is as strong as ever?”

Gabriel tried to hide how shaken he was by the lack of certainty in his brother’s voice.  Michael had always been the one who was most steadfast, who had believed completely, in both their Father and his brothers.  He must have managed to soothe his brother, although he could not recall his words.  He turned to Lucifer, was almost crushed in his brother’s fervent embrace.

“You love me, don’t you Gabriel?”  The desperation in the quiet question shook Gabriel more than Michael’s worry had.  He lifted amber eyes to meet Lucifer’s clear blue, his hand reaching up to slide gently across that beautiful face, fingers tangling into the almost white gold waves.  He pressed his mouth softly to his brother’s, a whispered “Always.” bringing a soft sigh from Lucifer’s mouth, the warm air chasing shivers across Gabriel’s skin.  Gabriel drew back, letting Lucifer fold himself once more into Michael's embrace.

As the sound of horns and trumpets began to fill the air, the Council slowly ascended on to the stage, taking their seats.  The three Archangels exchanged warm looks, hands reaching for each other, holding tight,  As Michael turned to ascend the platform, his hand slipped from Lucifer’s, the sight bringing another stabbing feeling of loss and foreboding to Gabriel.  The ache intensified as Lucifer’s fingers slowly slid from his grasp.  He desperately wanted to reach out for his brothers, to hold them, but he had the feeling that it was already too late.

The sound of trumpets grew louder, the voices of the multitude of angels, joining in perfect harmonics, rose into the air, seeming to create a perfect sphere of light and sound.  The glow brightened almost unbearably, as it fell towards them.  Suddenly as one, the sound and light stopped, each angel it seemed, holding their breath as their Father’s messenger appeared before them, seating himself on the delicately carved wooden throne.

Gabriel listened as the Christos shared His plans with the multitude, a spinning orb appearing, a fragile ball of green and blue, swirled with the white traceries of clouds.  The image of Man appeared beside it.  Gabriel stared at this new creation.  The smooth skin of its back was unmarked with the traceries of feathers that each angel bore, long limbs encased in skin almost as golden as his eldest brother’s.  The thought of Lucifer sent his gaze slipping to the side, the look of almost hatred on his brother’s face causing Gabriel’s heart to stutter in his chest.

Words caught Gabriel’s attention, bringing his head swinging back round to the front.

“Our Father asks this of each of you, that you swear now to His new creation.  That you will watch over this new paradise, this Garden of Eden, this Earth.  That you will care for Man, as you care for Our Father, that you love them as you do Him.  Kneel before Us and make your oath!”

The voice rang out across the Plain, all the harmonics of their Father’s voice joining with the voice of Christos.  Angels dropped to their knees, heads lowering to the ground in simple and utter obedience.  Gabriel watched as each Council member slid from his chair, long robes pooling about them as they knelt, long white hair brushing the ground as their heads bowed.

Almost as one the three Archangels rose to their feet, Michael sending a pleading look to his brother as he slowly dropped to his knees.  In that moment, Gabriel bore witness to something he thought he would never see, Lucifer’s heart breaking.  His knees gave out in pain and anguish, bringing him down beside Michael.

“And you Lucifer, my Morning Star?  Will you not kneel?”

Gabriel watched as Lucifer sucked in a tremulous breath, love filling his face for the man that stood before him, before he lowered his gaze to the still spinning image of Earth and man.  He could not take his gaze from his brother, watching as Lucifer drew his shoulders back, spine becoming straight and stiff as he turned from that image towards Christos.


The single, softly spoken word echoed across the Plain, gasps rising from a hundred thousand throats.

“I will not kneel.  I will not promise to love another as I love You.  I cannot.  I love my brothers but I do not kneel to them.  I cannot swear to another, Father, please do not make me…” Lucifer’s voice trailed off.

A soft rustle brought Gabriel’s glance towards the front, as Lucifer’s first in command rose to his feet.  The ripple of movement spread outwards, other angels rising, those that served under Lucifer’s command.

“You have sown dissent amongst your brothers?  You have caused them to doubt My Word?”  The voice grew louder, anger spiking through it.

“I ask one thing of you Lucifer and I will ask it once more.  Will you kneel?”  The voice thundered across the plains, the kneeling angels raising their arms over their heads, pressing their faces to the ground.  Although the standing angels trembled in fear they remained upright as did Lucifer, tears streaming unchecked down his cheeks.

“I cannot.”

The words, softly spoken, voice broken with fear and love, were firm and unconditional.

And with those two simple words the war began.  Gabriel watched as Michael rose to his feet, standing against his brother, trying persuasion at first, his voice rising as Lucifer stood firm.  Voices rose across the plain as angel turned against angel in disbelief then anger.

Gabriel stared, frozen to the spot, as light began to build again.  Their Father’s voice burst across the plains, filling the First Heaven.  Gabriel’s head was filled with light and sound, an agonising pain driving him flat against the ground.

Gabriel finally came back to himself, slowly raising his head to find that darkness had settled across the plains.  The dim light was soothing to his eyes which itched and burned with the remnants of his Father’s anger.  Angels lay scattered like forgotten toys across the ground, but even in the scant moonlight Gabriel could tell that a large number were missing.  Moving stiffly he rose to his knees, searching desperately for Michael, for Lucifer.

Several days later he found Michael, over seeing the removal of those angels who had followed Lucifer.  For the first time, Gabriel felt physically sick, watching his brother banish his siblings, sending them down into the darkness, away from their Father’s love.  Stomach roiling, Gabriel slipped away, descending to Earth, trying desperately to escape the pain, and fear and heartache.

Gabriel slipped into darkness again.


bigbang, fic:remembrance

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