Fic: My Super Girlfriend

Jul 13, 2010 23:34

Title:My super girlfriend
Author: majorrogue
Pairing,Character(s): Brittany/Santana
Rating: okay for all, i think
Spoilers: none
Summary: Santana spends the evening follows clues to a not so mysterious culprit.Authur's Note: I may be cheating, but i'm answering my own prompt that i posted at Glee fluff meme. I liked the idea and being bored at work gave me the time to think about it.
A/N 2 Santana is The Question and Brittany is Supergirl, If you aren't sure who they are take a look at my post Here where i've put some pictures of both characters. The Question is a sort of detective fighting crime and all that, she has no powers, but could kick your arse. And of course supergirl is, well, Supergirl!!

This had so better be worth it, she thought as she looked up at the tall block of flats.
What was she thinking? Of course it would be worth it.

She walked around the side of the building and started to climb up the fire escape. She knew the building pretty well and was more used to walking in the front entrance, but she knew she was still being watched so she had better play along.

She had arrived here after following a series of clues, the first of which had fallen in front of her wrapped around a coconut, as she was about to investigate a strange noise in an alley. That first clue led her to an ice cream stand in the local park. At the stand there was another clue which led to the local cinema.

It didn’t take her long to realise that all of these clues led to places that she knew and that were pretty close to where she lived. She also worked out that the clues were being left by a certain person. It wasn’t that hard to figure it out really, not only were the places familiar, but every now and then she could hear a familiar giggle and had to keep hold of her hat every so often when she looked up and a red flash flew out of sight. The sixth clue had led her here.

When she reached the roof she looked around expecting to see someone or something but there was nothing. Just as she turned back towards the fire escape she was suddenly aware that her feet were no longer on the ground.

In front of her was the beautiful blonde she knew was behind the whole of tonight’s little adventure.

“Hey baby”

“Hi” Santana said smiling and putting her arms around Brittany’s neck, she knew she was safe flying this high in Brittany’s arms, she was super strong after all, but it made her feel more secure.

“We really shouldn’t do this around the flat you know, people could figure out who we are” Santana said

“You’re such a party pooper” Brittany said frowning

As they flew upwards they were slowly spinning round and Brittany’s cape was wrapping around them both.

“You don’t wear a mask remember, anyone could put two and two together”

“How many people get this close to me AND Supergirl?” Brittany asked raising an eye brow
Santana was about to protest, but realised that Brittany had a point.

“Yeah, Okay” she conceded

“And on the subject of masks, I’m not going to kiss you while you have that face on, it freaks me out” she said scrunching up her eyes and sticking out her tongue in disgust.

“Alright, alright” Santana said pulling the mask off from the bottom

“Better?” she asked when it was removed and put in her pocket.

“Much” Brittany smiled and leaned forward and kissed her girlfriend

Santana only pulled away from the kiss when she heard a very loud droning sound, she couldn’t figure out what it was until she looked to her left and saw a British Airways passenger jet heading straight towards them. She instinctively tightened her grip on Brittany.

All Brittany did was stick her hand out in front of them towards the plane to stop it.

“No! B” Santana shouted grabbing her arm “We have to move”

Brittany turned to her confused “oh!, okay” she shrugged, she was more than happy to stop the plane, but she thought maybe her cousin and Santana would be less angry with her if she just moved them out of the planes path.

She tightened her grip on Santana and without a second thought they were speeding down towards their flat.

Before they were even half way to the flat the speed of the descent got too much for Santana’s Fedora and it flew off.

“Hat!, HAT!” She shouted

Brittany slowed “Wha?”

Santana pointed behind them to the slowly falling hat.

“Hehe! Sorry babe” Brittany smiled and flew them up to the hat.

She delicately plucked the hat out of the sky and placed it gently on her girls head

As they reached the flat Santana pointed towards the fire escape

“Can’t we go in the front door for once” Brittany pouted

“But people could...”Santana started

“I’m super fast......... see” Brittany said and they were suddenly outside the door to their 4th floor flat before Santana had a chance to reply.

Santana smiled “Come on then” she said digging in her pocket for the key.

“But, I can...”

“NO!” Santana said louder than she meant to “We can’t break another door. This hero gig doesn’t pay much remember and I’m running out of excuses to tell the Wayne Foundation Housing people” Santana said closing the door behind them.

“The last one was an accident” Brittany said looking sad

“And the time before that?” Santana asked playfully

Brittany looked shocked “That duck was going to get hit by a bus! I didn’t have time to open the door!”

Santana laughed “oh! Don’t look so sad, I’m only pulling your leg, I’ll always buy new doors for you my love”

Brittany’s face instantly brightened, she started walking towards the bedroom and went to take her cape off

“Whoa, What you doing?”

“Taking my cape off”

“Hang on now, I spent the whole evening following your clues, I want my reward” Santana said smiling, hands on hips “And that includes you leaving that cape ON”

Brittany squealed excitedly

“Although you can get rid of the rest of your uniform, Supergirl, and no using super speed”
Brittany backed into the bedroom followed quickly by a grinning Santana.

Episode 2 - She’s Still My Super Girlfriend
Episode 3 - A Night In The Life

Comments are always nice!!

brittany/santana, fanfic, glee, comics, fic: super series, brittana

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