After Iain Bank's robot nipple comments at Novacon and all I have learned about Fandom since I hooked up with Himself - I have tried to be very accepting. And the print is tiny when your boyfriend has a massive iMac 27 inch and you are usually languishing on a 15" mac book pro.
Although what about a program item called Angry Birds Singing ? Dress up as an avian plushy and be catapulted towards a green mattress resembling a pig whilst belting out your favourite eighties pop hairspray anthem which the audience have to guess? Could be fun?
And then, after hours, you could make it an adult item - Angry Birds Swinging?
Charlie Stross of course wrote an entire novel based on the concept of a humanoid sex robot deliberately designed to have a nipple that could go "spung!". Well, maybe it wasn't the entire reason for the novel, but it was one of the motivating factors.
The colours have gone. They were for internal planning purposes and accidentally included at first. I hope you didn't spend too long trying to work them out!
Bleck. Spell-checkers don't catch everything. Of course I should have been exxpecting a spell-check error as "filk" isn't in most dictionaries. Yes, of course I meant filking.
Comments 12
Although what about a program item called Angry Birds Singing ? Dress up as an avian plushy and be catapulted towards a green mattress resembling a pig whilst belting out your favourite eighties pop hairspray anthem which the audience have to guess? Could be fun?
And then, after hours, you could make it an adult item - Angry Birds Swinging?
Now there's a last-minute idea for our Contraptions Exhibition!
We have robots, we have organ pipes, we have Arduineaux...
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