PSA: It seems like is down/not registered anymore. o_0; I've sent Ryo-san a note, hopefully this'll all get worked out. *crosses fingers*
And now, to the subject of this post...
subsiding_leaf 1. $20 all you can eat sushi bar at Fuji, now defunct. And really, restaurants in general.^^
Fuji's, aka the restaurant that doesn't give me 3 pairs of chopsticks when I order sushi )
Comments 3
1. Sinon's Redemption (FAIR IS FAIR)
2. Animal Behavior
3. Xelloss/Mazoku
4. Coherent and insightful arguments/discussions
5. Food (food commentary, food recommendations, etc)
(Ah, revenge is so sweeeeeeeeeeet >:Db <-this is an evil smiley with a thumb's up, apparently)
I'm trying to catch up on LJ stuff . . . I wonder what I've forgotten? So very much to attend to . . .
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