New fanfiction: A Fork in the Road

Mar 17, 2011 16:15

Title: A Fork in the Road
Pairing: Arizona/Callie [Possibly others, none as of yet]
Rating: R [Just to be safe]
Summary: What if Arizona had chosen another path?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.  I do not intend to profit in any way, shape or form by posting this story.  It's for fun, nothing more, nothing less.

A/N 1: I'm super nervous about posting this.  This is my first attempt at writing my own fanfiction.  I've been inspired by many authors that have been posting at the callie_arizona  Community and I hope this is at least a fraction of how awesome all their stories have been.  I'll probably manage to not do something right (probably tagging!), but I'm trying. lol
A/N 2: A special thanks to greysaddictj  for helping me with this and being an awesome person in general.

Arizona sighed in frustration as she pressed the button on the remote, turning off the television and DVD player.  She placed the remote on the coffee table and lowered her head as she slowly counted to ten while her hands flexed info fists and then out.  How could she have been so foolish?  Was foolish even the right word?  More like completely stupid.  Why oh why did her father instill this deep sense of duty within his children when it just ended up being a curse to both of them?

She stood up and smacked the button on the DVD player and pulled at the DVD as it slipped out of the DVD player.  She then gripped it and broke it in two before slamming the pieces onto the coffee table. "Road to Recovery, my ass..." she muttered under her breath.  Her heart dropped into her stomach as she recalled the scenes in which Calliope spoke to the camera away, which caused her to sigh again.  Why did she open her mouth on camera? She hadn't even finished her thought process and there she was, for all to see, making a huge decision by the seat of her pants.

And Calliope!  God, that woman could be so infuriating.  Arizona sighed as she leaned back into her couch, pulling her legs beneath her.  She sighed again and sniffled back the tears threatening to fall.  She knew Callie was upset when she told her about the grant, but Callie hadn’t even congratulated her.  Or said how proud she was that her girlfriend was just as much a rock star as she was!

Arizona's hand rested against her forehead for a moment before swiping across it as she grunted.  She really shouldn't have been surprised that Callie was willing to give up everything for her, but she couldn't let her go through with it.  The past three weeks of planning had solidified her thought process. Callie's passive-aggressive tendencies, along with her overly saccharine happiness was plenty enough proof that this was going to turn out terrible, but it also caused Arizona to have an epiphany.  The grant was hers, but nowhere did it say that she had to stay in Africa the entire time. And Arizona knew she absolutely could not give up Callie nor could she make Callie give up her life.

After a week of thinking, she wrote up her new proposal to the Carter-Madison committee.  At first, they were apprehensive, but when Arizona had arranged for Dr. Jonathan Webb to take her place and run the clinic for three years, while she supervised from Seattle, they were on board wholeheartedly.  Arizona's chest constricted when they approved the new proposal.  On one hand, she was absolutely ecstatic, but on the other, she also knew what she was giving up.  No matter what she decided, she knew there was a chance she was making a huge mistake, but she was done with letting her mind decide.  Calliope changed everything.  Calliope changed her.  Calliope made her lead with her heart this time.  She was going to put the woman she loved ahead of her own desires.  This dream of Africa was outdated (at least, she hoped it was).

Arizona stood up and started picking up the mess.  She and Callie agreed they would not purchase it, or watch it, but Arizona was so excited to see Callie in action on the double arm transplant.  She wasn't able to watch in person because of everything that was going on, but it was huge deal, so she had broken down and got an advance copy of the film three weeks ago, the same day Callie agreed to go to Africa.  She had watched it twice that day and her stomach had been in knots.  She could still feel the knots today, after watching it again.  She was thankful for the documentary, despite how angry she was at it as well.  It confirmed her suspicions about how Calliope felt and forced her to reconsider everything.  Why she watched it again today, she couldn't figure out, but she couldn't help the smile on her face as she threw away the two pieces of the DVD.

She wandered the apartment and smiled at the blue pastel paint they had finally decided on.  Calliope still laughed and said it was beige, but Arizona was just so happy that Calliope was willing to bend for her.  It was one of the many compromises they had come to when they had agreed to move in together.  Everything had been wonderful until Africa came up and Arizona just had this feeling in the pit of her stomach that if she chose to leave for Africa, Calliope wouldn't be going with her and it would ultimately cause a disaster for them both.  Well, she wasn't having that.  Not after a mad man almost took the most important person from her.  Not after a mad man made her realize she couldn't live without Calliope and their ten children, though she had a feeling that number was going to be reduced (hopefully!).

Arizona headed into the bedroom and fixed the bed, which she neglected to do earlier as she thought about what to order for dinner tonight.  She was going to explain everything to Callie tonight and hopefully some of the tension that had been developing between them would melt away.  It had been four days since they'd slept together and Arizona was convinced that Callie was intentionally taking opposite shifts and extra shifts so that she wouldn't have to face her or think about Africa.  Tonight, that would hopefully change.  Arizona had put off telling Callie until she knew everything was finalized with the grant committee and tonight was the perfect night, since they had planned to begin packing later this week.

Arizona grinned to herself as she decided pizza would be dinner - maybe it would remind Calliope of their first night making love to one another and put her in a good mood.  She giggled to herself and skipped into the bathroom to begin getting herself together.  Callie was set to be home in ninety minutes and believed Arizona was going to be at work, but Arizona had spoken to the chief and had managed to get the night off.

After showering and applying some light make-up, Arizona worked her way into the lacy blue underwear Calliope enjoyed so much and then slipped into her favorite jeans and a blue t-shirt.  She didn't want to wear anything more special because Callie would pick up on it immediately and she wanted a little control of the evening.  She headed to the kitchen and ordered a large pizza from their favorite pizza place and then set the table.  She poured herself a glass of white wine and held up the glass in front of herself.  "Au revoir, Africa.  Some dreams just aren't meant to be."  She took a sip of the wine and replaced the glass on the table.

The pizza finally arrived just five minutes before Calliope came through the door with gasp.  "Arizona!  What are you doing home?  I thought you had to work tonight?"  Calliope took off her coat, put it on the rack and then dropped her bag on the ground.  Arizona grinned at Calliope and slowly walked toward her, leading with a glass of red wine which Calliope took from her with a smile and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Surprise!"  Arizona winked and led Callie to the table, pulling out the chair for her and Callie quickly sat down and observed the scene in front of her.  In the center of the table was a vase with a red rose and two lighted candles and a very romantic place setting.  And Callie couldn't help but chuckle at the pizza box which completely ruined the romantic image.  "The pizza box really makes this the most romantic dinner ever."

Arizona laughed as Callie grabbed the box and placed a slice of pizza on Arizona's plate and two on her own.  They started dinner in silence and Arizona glanced at Callie, noting she was nervously picking at her food and just looked generally uncomfortable.  Nothing used to be so awkward between them until Africa came up. Arizona decided now would be the best time to put an end to it.  "Calliope.  Look, I know you've been avoiding me lately."  Callie looked away from Arizona, her eyes landing on her own feet, seeming to slump in her chair.  "It's okay, I understand why.  This whole thing has caused so much awkward tension between us and... and I hate it.  I hate feeling that you are so far away from me.  And I really don't want you to give up your life here for me, especially because of Africa."

Callie's face suddenly shot up and her eyes sought Arizona's. "W-what are you saying, Arizona?!"  Callie could feel the tears beginning to well up in her eyes, but she fought to control them before she had more of a grasp on what Arizona was trying to say here.  She watched as Arizona tilted her head slightly and smiled her full dimpled smile at Callie.

"Calliope, you always go to the worst case scenario first, don't you?"  Arizona giggled softly and reached her hand across the table to grab Callie's and squeeze lightly.  "I love you so much.  You are so selfless and willing to give up your entire life in order to be with me and I am over the moon that you love me so much.  Really, it scares me sometimes, to know how you feel about me, but I need you to know that the feeling is completely and utterly mutual.  I am so deeply in love with you and it makes me do things that I never would have thought I was capable of...  In good ways!"  Arizona squeezed Callie's hand again before pulling it softly toward her and dipping down to press a soft kiss on the back of Callie's hand.  "I pulled some strings and wrote a new proposal to the grant committee and they accepted it.  I will no longer be going to Africa.  I managed to find an old friend of mine who is huge in the pediatric world and he agreed to handle the African side of the clinic.  I will handle all the rest of the work here, in Seattle, and make sure things run smoothly on both sides, totally supervising.  I'll need to go to Africa to help set up, but that should only be for a couple of weeks, which I was thinking we would make a small vacation?"  Arizona lowered her head slightly and licked her lips.  "I'll probably head back to Africa for a few days every three months or so, but it will be dependent on how things go, but the important thing I'm trying to say here, is that I love you.  And I want to be with you here, share your life with you here, where you belong.  Africa might have been a dream for a new surgical fellow two years ago, but I can still honor it without living there. And best of all, I can still honor you, my love for you and our life together, by staying here."

Callie was silent and staring at Arizona.  Her mouth was actually hanging open as she attempted to process everything Arizona was saying.  Finally, her face showed her emotions, ranging from shock, to confusion, to sadness and then to complete happiness.  She narrowed her eyes slightly and leaned in toward Arizona, who made the same move, only with her head tilted and a confused look on her face.  "Arizona?  Are you sure?  I don't want you to give up your dream for me."

"Calliope!  That's the thing; I'm not giving up anything.  The grant is still mine.  I'm overseeing everything, from here, our home.  I have plenty of tiny humans to operate on here.  And you're here.  Your life is here.  Our lives are here.  Our friends, family, everything!  This is so much better than just going to Africa, this is my African dream, plus my amazingly awesome new dream.  My most important dream.  My dream of a life and family with you.  This is everything I want."  Arizona smiled at Callie and nodded her head in a very determined fashion.  "I mean it, Calliope.  You are everything to me.  It made this decision so easy for me and I'm super excited I was able to work this out."

Callie stood up and pulled Arizona to her feet and then into her arms, hugging her tightly while nuzzling her nose in Arizona's neck.  She sobbed quietly while tightening her grip on Arizona, who had wrapped her arms around Callie and squeezed softly.  Arizona couldn't stop her own tears and she pulled back to softly kiss Callie's lips.  She then reached up to gently caress Callie's cheek while softly rubbing away some tears.  Callie finally breathed deeply, mainly to control the sobbing and then laughed loudly.  "You, Arizona, you are so amazing.  You take my breath away.  I love you.  I love you!"

"We're amazing together.  And things will only get better from here.  I feel it from my head to my toes, this is just the beginning of our amazing lives together."  Arizona smiled, lowering her head a little to ensure sure maintained eye contact with Callie while tugging Callie's hand up and placing it over her heart.  Callie leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Arizona's cheek, her hand feeling the brisk beating of Arizona's heart.  "We're finally living together.  We have wonderful careers, with people we care about and who care for us.  Some more than others."  She muttered that last line and rolled her eyes, causing Callie to chuckle and grip the fabric of Arizona's shirt.  "And kids, we're going to have kids, though probably not ten."  She chuckled and poked Callie's side before that arm slipped around Callie's waist. "I've never been this happy in my whole life.  You make me this happy and the feeling is just super awesome."

Callie sighed softly and felt a pang of guilt settle in her chest as she looked into Arizona's eyes.  She saw the question flutter over Arizona's features and the butterflies in Callie's stomach took flight.  She leaned her head forward and rested her forehead against Arizona's.  "Arizona.  Thank you."  She nuzzled her nose against Arizona and shushed her lightly when she tried to talk.  "I need to say something and then we can enjoy the rest of this evening, hopefully with less clothing on."  She wiggled her eyebrows and Arizona chuckled.  "I'm sorry for making the past few weeks difficult.  I know it was hurting you and I was trying to be as supportive as I could, but I failed.  I know I did and knowing that made me even more difficult with you.  I wasn't mad at you, I was frustrated with the situation and mad at myself for not stepping up when I should have."  She sighed again, her shoulders slumping slightly for a moment, but she regained her composure when she felt Arizona's arms squeeze her around her waist.

"But most importantly, I am truly sorry I never congratulated you or told you how proud I am of you."  By now, the tears were streaming down both of their faces.  Callie swallowed the lump in her throat.  "My only thought was that you were leaving and I didn't want to be without you!  And I resented that grant so much, I just didn't know how everything could be so great and then something wonderful happens to you, and I couldn't even let you be happy about it.  So, I'm telling you now, with all my heart and I know this is coming way too late, but I am so proud of you.  You are an amazing doctor, and an amazing woman!  I really can't believe how lucky I am.  And thank you again.  Despite my actions and being a complete bitch," Callie chuckled at her words and kissed Arizona's lips softly again, "...despite all of that, you managed to work everything out."  She shook her head slightly.  "I'm in awe of you.  I love you."

Arizona raised her hands to Callie's cheeks and forced eye contact as she leaned in and kissed Callie's lips.  This was not one of the soft touches they had previously shared, no, this was forceful lip lock, full of promises of the late night to come.  Callie couldn't help but groan softly as she felt Arizona's tongue force its way between her lips and she welcomed it with her own tongue, stroking it softly.  Arizona's hands retreated from Callie's cheeks, slowly gliding down her neck and then each of her arms before her hands settled within Callie's own hands.  She slowly pulled back from the kiss and started to walk toward the bedroom, tugging Callie to follow.

"Thank you."  Arizona's words were a shuddered breath.  She led Callie to the bed and sat her down at the edge.  Her left hand moved to Callie's cheek and stroked her softly. "Hearing you say that means the world to me.  It makes me feel awesome."  She grinned and leaned into Callie, pressing their lips together while her hands moved to the hem of Callie's shirt.  She pulled back and tugged the shirt up, Callie raising her arms so that the shirt could be removed and she giggled as Arizona turned and made like a basketball player, jump shooting the shirt into the bathroom where she would put it in the laundry bin later.  Callie shook her head and chuckled at the woman standing before her.  She slid her arms around Arizona and pulled her closer, leaning her head against Arizona's stomach.  She felt comforted when Arizona's hands made their way through her hair.  She lifted Arizona's shirt and smiled to herself when she felt Arizona remove the shirt and toss it away.  She lifted her eyes and gasped softly when she saw the lacy blue bra Arizona was wearing.

"You so planned on seducing me tonight."  She grinned and raised her right hand along Arizona's side, stopping at the blue lace and pressing her index finger against the bottom of the lacy fabric.  Callie slid that finger along the edge of the fabric, pressing gently to ensure Arizona would feel the light touch as it slowly traced beneath her breast.  "You only bring out the lacy blue stuff when you plan on getting lucky.  Are you feeling lucky tonight?"  The words were whispered softly as she raised her lips to press a soft kiss beneath Arizona's breast, right on the lacy blue fabric.

Arizona released a shuddering breath as she leaned her head back with her eyes closed.  She was savoring the feel of Callie against her, her hands pulling lightly as Callie's hair.  She let out a breathy laugh at Callie's question.  "I always feel lucky, because you're with me."  She then leaned forward, her hands keeping Callie right where she was while lowering her head and pressing a kiss against the top of Callie's head.  "I'm yours forever, Calliope.  Promise me you'll be mine forever?"

Callie leaned her head back and captured Arizona's lips with her own, trying to convey her answer without words.  Their tongues caressed one another at a slow pace, neither feeling any need to rush, but to rather bask in the feeling of their closeness.  Callie's hands slid down to Arizona's waist, her fingers making quick work of the button and zipper before tugging them down as much as she could without breaking the kiss.  Arizona shook her bottom slightly and then kicked off her jeans, giggling when she felt Callie's lips break into a grin against her own lips.  "I promise you forever, Ari. Para siempre. Siempre. Indefinidamente. Eternamente. Prometo que soy tuyo para siempre. Te amo. [Forever. Always. Endlessly. Eternally. I promise that I am yours forever. I love you.]"

fanfic: callie/arizona, art: fanfiction

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