Secret Santa Fic For Philstar22: Three Christmases

Dec 24, 2014 18:45

Title:  Three Christmases
Author:  Majincammy
Beta:  None/All mistakes are mine (there will be many)
Pairing:  Callie/Arizona
Rating:  M (Yes, there are naughty bits)
Disclaimer:  I own nothing.  I’m not trying to profit for any of this.  I’m just writing for fun and to make people happy.  Please don’t sue me.
Secret Santa Prompt From Philstar22 :  Sweet family scenes with them and Sophia and maybe other kids. Like maybe a family Christmas
AN:  I hope I did the prompt justice.  Happy Holidays to everyone that reads!

12/18/14 - One week before Christmas

Arizona nervously twisted her hands around one another as she waited outside of Callie’s lab.  She knew the other woman was inside, but hadn’t convinced herself to walk in yet.  Things were still strained between them.  She often found herself feeling angry and demoralized whenever dealing with the woman she loved, which just made doing anything with her exceeding difficult.  Of course, they both had instances where they would put their emotions on hold and help one another, but they were few and far between.

“Hey!”  She heard from her left, causing her jump with a gasp, her hands grabbing at her chest in shock.  She heard a soft chuckle as she turned and faced the woman of her thoughts.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but you’ve been standing there for close to twenty minutes.  What are you doing?” Callie asked with one perfectly groomed eyebrow raised in her direction.

“Has it been that long?” Arizona mumbled to herself, her breathing finally normalizing as she lost herself in thought.

“Yes, Arizona, it has been,” Callie answered the rhetorical question as she held the door to the lab open and waved a hand, motioning for Arizona to enter.

“Okay, sorry, I didn’t realize,” she said as she walked inside.  She took a deep breath and faced the other woman as she walked in behind her and shut the door.  “I wanted to talk to you…” she said softly, eyes on the floor, “…about Christmas and Sofia.”

Callie’s eyes narrowed and she went to open her mouth, but Arizona held up her hands and gestured for her to stop, “Please, just let me talk…”  She took another moment to compose herself, straightening her back for the inevitable fight she was about to start.  “With everything that has happened, I haven’t really been able to see much of her.”

She raised a hand again as Callie’s lips opened again.  “And yes, I know it’s partly my fault.  The fellowship has taken a lot of time from me, but I have Christmas Eve off as well as Christmas Day and I know you’re working on Christmas Eve,” she watched as Callie’s eyes narrowed at her.  She wasn’t really permitted to know Callie’s schedule anymore without asking.

“So I’d really like to have Sofia.  I already have a tree up at Alex’s place and presents, including dozens sent from my parents and you know how important this holiday has always been for me…” she trailed off, her ramble losing steam as Callie’s face never lost the scathing narrowed look.

“You disappear for weeks and now you want to spend time with her… for the biggest kid holiday of the year?  Really, Arizona?”  Callie’s voice didn’t raise, she just spoke in a steady deadpan.  It made Arizona want to curl up into a ball and roll right out of the room.

“Yes, Callie, really.  I haven’t asked for much after everything happened.  And you once told me I shouldn’t have to give up anything, but I have.  I have given up a lot and I don’t want to give up this holiday with our daughter.”

Callie’s lips tightened for a moment before she shook her head.  “I don’t think so, Arizona.  I have to work during the day, but I planned on having all evening to spend with her and then open presents in the morning, so no, it’s not going to happen.  You can do your own version the next day.”

Arizona closed her eyes for a moment and then shook her head, “No, don’t do that.  Don’t punish me because of how things are right now.  You’re the one that chose this, not me.”

“Oh please, Arizona, you know very well that this isn’t all on me, I’m just the one who finally did us the kindness of letting you go,” Callie responded before rubbing her face with her hands in exasperation.  She was still exhausted from having the same conversation over and over again.

Tears were welling in Arizona’s eyes as she bit her lip, trying to hold them at bay.  It took a moment before she collected herself enough to speak.  “It’s not that easy… at least, not for me, Callie.  I can’t just turn off all the feelings I feel for you.”  She swallowed the lump in her throat and sighed, “I broke all my rules to be with you.  I gave up a dream I had all throughout high school and college to be with you.”  She narrowed her eyes, tears finally subsiding and anger taking their place.  “I was in a plane crash and things were impossible and you stayed with me, through everything, and then suddenly over a year later you’re doing me a kindness by letting me go?”

She took another breath, willing the anger to leave her, which just left her feeling sad and more alone than ever before.  Her shoulders slumped and she looked down at her feet.  “Fine, you think whatever you want, but just know that I don’t regret anything.  You would think, looking back, I would systematically want to change decision after decision, but no, I wouldn’t change a damn thing, because I was meant to love you.  I was meant to have that beautiful little girl.  And apparently, I was meant to be pushed aside so you can be free because I suffocated you.”

Callie had the decency to watch Arizona with sad eyes.

“And you know what, it really is fine.  I’ll carry that burden with me the rest of my life.  I have to live with myself knowing I ruined everything for us,” Arizona sighed as the tears started pooling in her eyes again.   “And that I ruined Sofia’s childhood because her parents are no longer together, but dammit, Callie, please… don’t take this Christmas away from me too.”

“Okay.  I’ll drop her off at Alex’s on my way to work on Christmas Eve.  And don’t give her too much sugar, because I know your Christmas cookie habit,” Callie said as she walked by Arizona, toward her desk so she could continue her work.  She purposely didn’t look at the beautiful blonde, because her heart was already breaking for her and one look would let Arizona know just that.  She didn’t want Arizona to feel any worse about having to basically beg to have their daughter on Christmas; especially when she was only saying no because she wanted to hurt her.  Hadn’t she done that enough already?

“Thank you,” Arizona whispered as she quickly walked out of the lab, the door slowly closing behind her.

12/24/14 - Christmas Eve (6pm)

Callie followed through and dropped Sofia off just after nine in the morning.  Arizona had Alex answer the door and thank her.  He and Jo disappeared just after 2pm to the hospital, so Arizona and Sofia were sitting by the tree in their pajamas while eating cookies and milk.

“Mama, why my gingerbread mans have no heads?” Sofia asked while holding up two headless gingerbread man cookies.

“Cause I ate them!” Arizona said with a grin, as she picked up another cookie and tore its head off, and popped it into her mouth.

Sofia giggled and grabbed another whole cookie and quickly beheaded it before chomping the head in half, “Mmm.”

“Right?  Isn’t it the best part?” Arizona asked while watching Sofia with so much love.

Sofia nodded while dunking the other half of the gingerbread head into milk and then putting it into her mouth.

The doorbell rang and it caused Arizona to jump, which made Sofia giggle.

“Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?”  She asked Sofia, who giggled and nodded.  “I’ll show you something funny,” she said as she grabbed the little girl and pulled her into her lap before peppering kisses all over her face and then giving her a huge raspberry on her cheek.  “Now that’s funny.”

“Mamaaa, nooo!” Sofia giggled helplessly, then the doorbell rang again.

“Okay, little miss, you stay here and guard the cookies while I check the door, okay?”  Sofia nodded as she grabbed another cookie and ripped the head off.  Arizona walked to the door with a grin, a thought of Callie wondering why her gingerbread men were headless crossing her mind.

She opened the door without looking through the peephole only to be greeted by Callie, standing there in a black coat and a beautiful red scarf, presents stacked in bags on the left and right.

“Callie?” Arizona asked, unable to keep the smile from forming on her lips, “What are you doing here?”

“You were right… last week, when we talked.”  Callie said while one hand rubbed the back of her neck.  “I’m sorry I tried to keep this from you.  And it got me thinking that Sofia shouldn’t have to have Christmas without either of us, so I thought I’d come over and we’d spend it together.  If that’s okay…” Callie was being completely honest.  The talk with Arizona really made her rethink things.  And the time they’ve spent apart has made her realize that there is nothing for her to fix.  The fixing was ruining things, maybe if they just lived in the moment and spoke to each other and continued therapy (much to her chagrin), maybe things could work out between them, because they loved one another.  She wanted to take a step toward that.

Arizona stared at her, eyes wide, mouth open, for several moments before licking her lips and opening the door wider so she could come in.

Callie stepped inside with the bags and took off her coat as Arizona shut the door and locked it.  “I’m glad you came.  Sofia will be so happy.”

Callie raised a brow at her, “And you?”

“Also incredibly happy that you’re here…  And you?” Arizona asked softly.

“I’m happy to be here too, Arizona.  Maybe this can be a new start for us?  I can’t promise anything and I know you can’t either.  And I’m not expecting you too… sometimes promises can be messy, but I do still love you.  And I have missed you.  And that’s enough, right?” Callie asked with a hopeful heart.

“Anything is possible with enough love.  We’ll take it slow and see what develops, would that be okay?”

Callie nodded and grabbed Arizona’s hand, “More than okay, pretty lady.”  She leaned in and kissed Arizona’s cheek.  Arizona closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, the smell of Callie surrounding her and she felt home.

And then Callie gasped while moving around her, “Oh my god, Arizona, how many cookies did you let her eat?!”

She turned around and saw over a dozen headless gingerbread men laying by Sofia’s feet while the girl giggled at the television.
“Uhm, just a few heads?”  She said with a bashful smile as Callie shook her head and pulled her into the living room so they could share this Christmas together, the first of many memorable ones they would share.


Arizona was lying in bed, on her back while giggling helplessly.  She couldn’t stop, no matter how hard she tried.  She heard a frustrated sigh from between her legs before the sheet which was covering was ripped off, revealing Callie.  If looks could kill, the one Callie was giving her would surely have sent her packing, but she just continued to giggle because the outfit Callie was wearing was ridiculous.
“I’m sorry, Callie, but the feather in the cap is tickling my thigh…” Arizona tried to bite her lip to keep another giggle from leaving her lips, but she just couldn’t stop it from bubbling forth.

Callie thought it would be cute to wear naughty elf lingerie while putting out the gifts (mostly Sofia’s, but a few for Arizona and she caught a couple for herself in the many gifts) for Christmas and forced Arizona to watch.  She felt those beautiful blue eyes watching her every move and once she was done, she grabbed Arizona’s hand and moved directly to the bedroom.

Which is where she was now… trying to pleasure the woman she loved while wearing the silliest of things to amuse her and Callie begrudgingly had to admit it was working, because Arizona hadn’t stopped giggling since Callie kissed her way down Arizona’s stomach?

“You’re going to have to do it without the hat on, Babe,” Arizona said with a shy smile.  “As much as I adore you in it, that feather is going to make me die from all the laughing and that would just be horrible, because instead of dying and not living the rest of this wonderful life with you and our sweet little girl, I’d much rather have you go down on me so I can return the favor already.  Seriously, you look amazing and your ass just pops with those panties on, I really just want to take them off.  Now.”

Arizona was sitting up as she finished, but Callie put her hand on the center of her chest and pushed her back down.  “You’ll get your turn,” she said as she pulled stupid cap off and threw it across the room.  She shook her head to cause her hair to flip and land over her shoulders.

Arizona’s gasp was audible, “You’re beautiful, Callie.”

Callie grinned while leaning up to give her a kiss, “Thank you.  Now sit back and relax.”  She offered a wink as she descended upon Arizona’s core, her lips quickly kissing along her slit, which made her partner squirm beneath her.  She snaked her tongue into the slit and worked it slowly up and then down, before moving up to Arizona’s clit and slowly circling it.

“Calliope…” Arizona groaned lowly, her hips grinding into Callie’s movements.  She whimpered softly as she felt two of Callie’s fingers slip into her slit and start gathering her juices.  She shivered with anticipation, knowing that Callie was going to bring her sweet bliss very soon.
Deciding not to tease her partner, Callie slowly pushed two fingers into her, moaning softly at the feeling of Arizona’s walls completely pulling her in.  “God, you feel and taste so good, baby,” the words were spoken with Callie’s lips around Arizona’s clit; the vibrations made Arizona’s hips jump off the bed while moaning for more.  “Come up here, baby, I want to kiss you.”

Callie felt a shiver run down her body, directly to her clit which clenched with desire for Arizona.  She quickly kissed up her partner’s body while slowly pumping her fingers into her.   She felt Arizona’s hands quickly move along her jawline and into her hair, pulling her closer so that their lips met in a sensual embrace.

A moment later, one of Arizona’s hands slithered down Callie’s body and between her legs, fingers gathering juices before moving inside her.  The feeling made Callie grunt in pleasure before initiating another kiss, her tongue pushing into Arizona’s mouth.  She groaned in pleasure when she felt her partner suck playfully on her tongue.

It only took moments for both women to work themselves to orgasm.  Callie flopped next to Arizona, both breathing deeply and trying get their heart rates back to normal.  She glanced at Arizona and giggled at the post orgasmic phase her beautiful girlfriend was currently in.  It made her think about the past year and how awesome, for lack of a better word, it has been.  “What a year we’ve had, huh?”
Arizona smiled as she turned on her side, leaning on her elbow so that she could clearly look at Callie.  She reached out and gently caressed Callie’s cheek, her thumb lightly sliding over Callie’s bottom lip.  “It’s been weird and wild.”  Arizona bit her bottom lip for a moment in thought, “and it’s made me realize you were right.”

Callie raised a brow at her girlfriend, waiting for her to continue.

Arizona took a deep breath as she put her thoughts in order while her fingers played with the ends of Callie’s hair.  “You were right that we needed to break up…  You were right that we both needed time to love ourselves again.  Since the first moment we talked babies, there was a small break in our relationship.  A splintering of the fragile glass that was holding us together.  Then there was Africa, the car crash, S-Sofia being born so early…  And then the plane crash…,” she paused and swallowed the huge lump she felt in her throat, “it brought out the worst in me.  And it shattered things for us.”

She pulled her hand back and wiped at the tears which fell from her eyes.  “And you were so good.  You were always trying to fix things, to fix me and I think it just shattered the pieces even more.”  She reached back over and wiped away Callie’s tears while offering her a smile.  “But now?  We took that time and we figured out how to love ourselves.  You danced in your underwear and drank with Meredith and got back to yourself.  I took on a hardcore fellowship and came to terms with my body.  And then we came back to each other.  And we made a new glass, only this one is not as fragile because we learned from the past, right?”

Callie nodded and pulled Arizona in for a searing kiss.  When they finally pulled apart, Arizona giggled while whispering, “Wow…”
“I think you earned an early Christmas gift,” Callie said while reaching into the drawer next to their bed.  She turned in time to see Arizona smile so widely and clap happily.  She could only shake her head at her partner’s antics.  She held out a small black box to Arizona.  “I love you, Arizona.  And I know we never officially divorced, but we never got official papers for our marriage either.  I’d like to do that now, so Arizona, my love, will you marry me?” she asked softly while opening the box to reveal a lovely engagement ring, with a perfect diamond.
Arizona’s mouth was open in awe and it took her a few moments before she finally grinned happily and pounced Callie, pressing kisses all over her face before kissing her lips.  “I hope that’s a yes,” Callie joked breathlessly.

“Of course it’s a yes, silly.  I want nothing more than to legally and officially be your wife, Calliope.”  They kissed again, sealing their engagement, thankful their daughter didn’t interrupt their morning, and marrying in the spring.  It was definitely a Christmas they would both remember.


Callie and Arizona were cuddled against each other in front of the fire place in their living room in a post coital daze.  Callie licked her lips and sighed deeply, trying to catch her breath.  “I love your first trimester; the ‘can’t get enough sex’ part of it anyway, not the morning sickness part.  I’m sure you could do without the morning sickness part…” the rest of her ramble was cut off with a hand being placed over her lips.

“I get it, Calliope.  And yes, I’m really glad the hormones are ramping up my sex drive and not stealing it away, like a certain someone else,” she said with a sly grin.

Callie had the decency to blush and roll over so that she was lying against Arizona’s side.  “That was a different time and we were at a different place in our relationship…” she licked her lower lip while considering her words.  “…I uhm, I think I still resented you for leaving me, at the time.  And I was using that excuse to punish you.  I’m not really proud of myself, looking back on it, but…”
Arizona cut her off with a sweet kiss, “Don’t worry about all that, Calliope.  The past is the past.  We learn from it, but we’ve moved on and we definitely understand one another now.  And we actually talk about things, instead of having sex and pretending nothing happened until it piles up and explodes.”

Callie nodded and kissed Arizona again, this one much deeper and intense.  “Yes, which means we get to enjoy it this time, don’t we?”
Arizona grinned into another kiss, “Oh yes, we will definitely take advantage of…” her next words were cut off by a flying five year old.

“IT’S CHRISTMAS, MAMAS!”  Sofia yelled as she jumped right between them.  She wiggled her body until she was snuggled between their bodies.  “Did Grandparents gifts get here?  They didn’t forget about me, did they?  Or did they made Santa do all the work?  I hope not, because Santa has enough work to do on Christmas, don’t you think?  I mean, he has to go everywhere, even hospitals and gives out all the presents, so if they asked Santa to bring them it would gives him more works, right?  But he is coming here anyway, so he could just drops them off, right Mama?”  Sofia said while looking at Arizona.  She was ready to keep going, but Arizona started tickling her.

“Noooo, Mamaaaa…” Sofia giggled while squirming.

“Don’t you worry, Little Miss, everything you want is here.  Even your little sister,” Arizona said with a big smile.  Sofia looked at Arizona, then glanced at Callie, who nodded.

“Really?” Sofia said with a big smile.

“Yeah, she’s in Mama’s tummy,” Callie said while reaching over and gently rubbing Arizona’s belly.

“How long will she bes in there?” Sofia asked with wide eyes.

“Well, probably at least six months, Little Miss.  Do you think you can wait that long?” Callie asked.

“If I haaaave too,” Sofia replied while rolling her eyes causing her parents to chuckle.

“Well, you’re going to have to wait.  And when she first comes, she might not be much fun, but she’ll grow, just like you did.  And she’ll be awesome, just like you.  And you’ll have to help her and be a really good big sister.”

“I know, Mama!” Sofia said with another eye roll.  “Is it time for presents yet?”

Arizona glanced at Callie, who nodded.  “I guess it is.”

“Awesome,” Sofia said as she jumped up and ran to her room.  She was only gone a minute, but when she came back into the room, she was wearing a bright pink shirt with white lettering that said ‘I’m the best big sister ever!’.  “Gramps and Grammy help me get it.  It’s my present for my sister.”

Arizona’s mouth dropped as she looked over to Callie who was flat out laughing.  “You told Gramps and Grammy about your sister?”

“Yah, I told them you and Mommy made me a little sister and they sented this to Zola at the hospital and Zola’s mama gave it to me and told me Gramps and Grammy wrote a letter and told me to put it on when it’s presents time.”  Sofia said matter-of-factly as she grabbed a wrapped box from under the tree and shook it.

“I guess my parents know, Calliope.”  Arizona deadpanned.

“And probably most of the hospital by now,” Callie chuckled and pulled Arizona into her, kissing her forehead gently.  “It’s time for us to share anyway; to share how happy we are with our friends and family.”

“You’re right, Calliope.  Now let’s open some presents before our little monster opens them all.”  They both laughed and sat by the tree, handing Sofia present after present.  All three enjoyed being together, eating cookies and milk, watching one another open presents, and being excited for next year when their family would become a family of four.  It was another Christmas to remember.  They only hoped every following Christmas they shared together would be as memorable.

secret santa event, fanfic: callie/arizona, comm: event, art: fanfiction

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