Fanfiction Master Post

Mar 12, 2020 20:22

I'm making an effort to become slightly more organized, so I'm creating this post to house links to all of my recent fanfiction in one place that will stay at the top of my journal.  Yay for consolidation.


Title: Zenith
Rating: M
Pairing: Edward/Bella/Jacob
Summary: At a pivotal moment in New Moon, a simple choice alters the course of Bella's future, and she is forced to endure several more weeks before Edward's eventual return to Forks. Victoria, a pack of young werewolves, and the blossoming of an undeniable bond become the least of Bella's concerns as she undergoes her own supernatural transformation. It turns out vampires and werewolves aren’t the only things that go bump in the night.

Disclaimer - I do not own "Twilight" or profit from the use of its content. Stephanie Meyer is its proper owner.  However any original storylines or characters are of my own creation and belong to me.

Video Trailer Created by the lovely and talented lilabut  (make sure you're watching in HD):

Chapter One - Crutch
Chapter Two - Scab
Chapter Three - 12 Step Program
Chapter Four - Close Call
Chapter Five - Choking
Chapter Six - Together
Chapter Seven - Job Hazard
Chapter Eight - Fever
Chapter Nine - What if?
Chapter Ten - Nightmares
Chapter Eleven - Forgiveness
Chapter Twelve - Into the Woods
Chapter Thirteen - Human
Chapter Fourteen - Constellations
Chapter Fifteen - Returns
Chapter Sixteen - The Morning After
Chapter Seventeen - Act II
Chapter Eighteen - Scarring
Chapter Nineteen - Taking Sides
Chapter Twenty - Agreement
Chapter Twenty-one - Kept Promises
Chapter Twenty-two - Ashes to Ashes
Chapter Twenty-three - Intentions
Chapter Twenty-four - Leah's Advice
Chapter Twenty-five - Precarious
Chapter Twenty-six - Something Wicked
Chapter Twenty-seven - History
Chapter Twenty-eight - His Hand
Chapter Twenty-nine - Offer
Chapter Thirty - They Fight
Chapter Thirty-one - Paris Falls (Part 1)
Chapter Thirty-one - Paris Falls (Part 2)
Chapter thirty-two - The Beginning


Zenith: The Year Between

Title: For I Am Captured Straight to You
Rating: M
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight and do not profit from the use of its content.
Summary: He'd been in love with Bella Swan for two years. He'd been Embry's brother for 17 years. And no matter how the numbers got added up, Jacob was completely screwed. Jacob/Bella/Embry AU

Stunning video trailer by lilabut  (make sure to watch in 720p):

image Click to view

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven

Title:  The Crimson
Rating:  T
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or The Crimson and do not profit from the use of their content.
Summary:  Just as Bella comes to terms with living again, her humanity is abruptly stolen away. With time, Jacob shows her that the key to life isn't in a beating heart but in an unbroken spirit. New Moon AU.

The Crimson

Title:  Beautiful Hands
Prompt:  Hands/Bella giving a gift to Jacob (something that Edward could never have)
Rated: K
Words:  1,351

Beautiful Hands

Title: Thunder Cake
Rating: T
Summary:  "But the memory of a too-tall cliff, an ethereal boy’s voice, and an insistent pounding between her shoulder blades is proof that hearts don’t really break; sometimes you just leave them somewhere you shouldn’t."

Thunder Cake

Title: Broken Lies The Road
Rating: M
Warning: Graphic Sex
Summary: Bella can't get on the plane to save Edward.  She gets in a cab instead with Jacob Black her final destination.

Broken Lies the Road

Title: Shoot the Sky
Rating: M
Warning: Explicit Sexual Situations
Summary: After their bizarre encounter her first day in biology, Bella was certain that Edward Cullen was the most intriguing aspect of dreary Forks. Until she met his brother. Jasper/Bella

Shoot the Sky

Title: Trespassed Ground
Rating: T
Summary: "Bella came to me with her chest full of holes and with her arms full of the little, shattered pieces she'd only recently started picking up off the ground." A collection of Twilight drabbles. Jacob/Bella with the potential of other pairings.

Trespassed Ground

The Mortal Instruments

Title: Keep The Next Breath
Rating: M
Summary: Jace and Clary return from Idris victorious...and as brother and sister. They must confront their forbidden feelings while living in the shadow slowly descending upon New York. Jace/Clary. Post-CoG AU

Keep the Next Breath

Title: Their Gypsy Hearts
Rating: M
Summary: "Every surmounted crest is a victory, every wreck a devastating loss."  A collection of Mortal Instruments drabbles. Jace/Clary amongst other pairings. Various ratings

Their Gypsy Hearts

Title: As The Weeping Angels Dance
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own The Mortal Instruments or profit from the use of its content. Cassandra Clare is its proper owner.
Summary: Clary's an angel. She's an angel, and if Jace can't keep her here with him, then he'll simply have to spread his wings. Warning: character death.

As the Weeping Angels Dance

zenith master post, twilight, zenith, fanfiction master post, fanfiction

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