Who: Liz Sherman & Tim Drake, open if anyone else desires...
Where: The Hall Way!
When: Day 001: Noon - Some odd time before the meeting and after
THIS log and
THAT log.
What: A fast log?: Liz runs into Tim, both meeting for the first time. The two are going to decide a group meeting is needed. There needs to be some order and things need to be figured out.
Warnings: None yet - Subject to change?
Some time after the chimes and laughter, after finding a strange note and after dealing with all manner of thoughts here and there, Liz assures her companions that she would be alright, and be right back after a trip to the disturbing bathroom. It was just in the hall way, so she was easy to see from the Dawn Room. It should be safe.
If possible she spent all of a minute in there, finding it creepy as hell looking at all those silly little dolls and wondering if it's real human hair or real glass eyes or cats eyes or bones that make their porcelain or not. Damn all those old stories the others told. Still, she was in and out as fast as she could be.
In her rush to step out of that room and close the door firmly behind her she didn't look out into the hall first, and nearly ran into some one! Startled she turned to place her back to the bathroom door and raise a brow at the other person in the hall.
"Sorry..." she mumbled.