Wash it all away [Open/Active]

Oct 06, 2011 21:40

Who: Shisui, YOU~!
Where: Glass Bathroom
When: Day 002
What: Shiusi takes a moment to bathe.
Warnings: Half naked ninja, talk of gore possible.

Feel Almost Human Again )

*open, itachi uchiha (naruto), &day 002, shisui uchiha (naruto), mello (death note)

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Comments 75

is_not_number1 October 7 2011, 05:01:29 UTC
After having finally gotten out of that maze with the doors off the kitchen hallway, Mello had immediately resolved to take a shower. He wasn't sure how long it had been since he last had-- that was one of the problems with this place's irregular progression of time-- but he felt as though he needed one. He felt absolutely vile.

Upon opening the door the the bathroom, he stopped short when he noticed that the room was already occupied. And judging by the way the kid in the room looked, he was definitely in some sort of awful state.

"You look like shit," he commented bluntly, narrowing one eye in some scrutiny as he stared at the kid. What the hell had happened to him? Mello didn't recall having seen him around, but that certainly didn't mean he couldn't have been here long enough for something here to have succeeded in attacking him.


forwantofpeace October 7 2011, 05:23:24 UTC
"Thanks, I feel like it. Good to know there is truth in advertising." He watched the other man in the mirror, careful not to let him completely out of eyesight. The new, huge blind spot would take some getting used to. "Guess I should have checked for a lock. Though it seems like the only doors that lock around here are the ones we want to open." He had checked for a lock, and had been somewhat disgusted to find the door lacking one. But that made him sound paranoid. They didn't need to seem more than they were at the moment, and he couldn't exactly win a sustained fight. He was fairly certain a civlian could overrun him right now.

He kept his tone friendly and unguarded as he carefully toweled his hair dry. He studied the other man carefully, a little bit older than him. Not exactly a civilian, foul mouthed. He let the towel drape around his neck, turning so that his right hand rested against the pile of clothes and the weapons hidden in it, left hand lax and useless at his side. "Shisui, just got here. You?"


is_not_number1 October 8 2011, 00:13:32 UTC
Mello had to admit that he hadn't expected the kid to be so friendly. He certainly wouldn't have been with those injuries.

"All you've got to do to make a door interesting is lock it," he replied with a smirk. He'd checked for locks on all of the doors, too, and likely hadn't been any more pleased about the shortage of them than Shisui was. The fact that the bathrooms didn't lock was especially frustrating. He crossed his arms, leaning back against one of the glass walls. He apparently wasn't going to be bathing in here any time soon, but he saw no reason to leave when the kid was trying to make conversation.

"Mello." He raised an eyebrow in some curiosity, and propped one foot up against the wall behind him. "So, which is it? Got pulled into the house in the middle of a fight, or got attacked upon arrival?"

In either case, nightfall wouldn't be too far away judging by what the house's clock said, and Mello suspected that the kid would be in deep shit.


forwantofpeace October 8 2011, 00:50:27 UTC
"True, I wouldn't mind this door being a little more interesting if that's what it takes to get it to lock. I thought about making a sign." He studied the blond, eye curious and face relaxed, easily maintaining the smile.

He kept his hand on the pile of clothes, otherwise giving every impression of being completely relaxed.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled, shrugging casually as though he only had a black eye and the injuries were a result of a minor scuffle. "The former. Got ambushed by five professionals. Wasn't expecting the attack. I wish I could say I fought them off and it was a heroic battle, but... Some battles you win, some you don't. How long have you been here?"


vindication October 16 2011, 12:35:47 UTC
It had been long enough.

Itachi understood the need for privacy -- the need to be alone, to gather one's thoughts -- but the timing was poor at best. Still, he waited for the better part of what felt to him like an hour; more than long enough, certainly, to expose the hollowness of Shisui's excuse.

Unless he'd ... fallen in. Or otherwise found himself in trouble. Itachi's mind had no trouble at all conjuring a whole host of unpleasant scenarios in this strange and nerve-wracking house, and the word monster hung over their heads like a poised kunai.

Growling, Itachi had slung himself to his feet and stalked toward the door -- no need, not with the quiet worry in his eyes, to explain to Kakashi which direction he was heading in. Out of the room, down the hall, and there, the shape of Shisui's chakra, wavering in the wake of recovery, almost as familiar as his own. Down the hall, then, each step slow and furtive, almost guilty ( ... )


forwantofpeace October 17 2011, 01:52:27 UTC
Even without the soft announcement, he would have known it was Itachi. Itachi's chakra might have changed some, over the stretch of time they had been apart, but it was still Itachi. He noted the curtness of the announcement, and the lack of pause between announcement and entry and frowned faintly into the sink ( ... )


vindication October 17 2011, 05:40:14 UTC
Itachi seemed to flinch from that tired smile, back pressed to the door, only meeting that look for a moment before turning his red eyes on the rest of the room. Glass and glass and glass ... unsettling was a mild word for it. Nothing hidden, not not one shred of bloody fabric, not one drop of pink-tinged water.

"Assuming that whatever approaches you is susceptible." No real chiding, simply an observation made in the midst of a surge of fresh worry. There was no need to trace those bruises -- the imprint the hilt of his tanto had made over his right shoulder, and instead Itachi's gaze was drawn to the curve and slope of Shisui's spine. So ... fragile-seeming, right now. So easily broken.

We don't even know where we are. Who is to say those others aren't responsible for this?

So uncaring, but no, it wasn't like that at all -- indeed, Shisui had always seemed to care too much hadn't he ( ... )


forwantofpeace October 17 2011, 12:55:58 UTC
"Of course. If it isn't, we're both screwed and thinking about it doesn't help, does it? When did you get so pessimistic?" He quirked an eyebrow at Itachi, tongue tracing the inside of his teeth thoughtfully ( ... )


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