Jesse JWeb Translations 6/15/2020

Jun 26, 2020 13:58

Zudon! 💪Welcome to the blog
getting more and more rapidly💪

Tanaka's day!!!!
Happy Birthday🎂🎉
I'm 25 years old, lol lol 2 years later I'm 27 years old lol ✊lol It's obvious ^_^

By the way, the person who was born on the same birthday as Tanaka Juri is
Ito Shiro
Takashi Hosokawa
No, but he is getting older😏
I'm in trouble because it becomes more and more attractive😃
I'll ask you to collaborate with overseas rappers👍
I'm also a colleague (^ ^) Speaking of which I'm not a rapper, but a dream
I became friends with Billy Irish.🤝
He was a nice person to introduce!😏😏
Occasionally, if you walk around, you will find the event.
After a while, I had a little rest during my break!!!
Lying between the vending machine and the building.
After  talking, I became a friends🤝🤣
Well, for the time being
It was fun! Good girl😂
How many months have you spent on SixTONES?
I want to spend my time in America!!
It's going to change your view of life.
I'm going to make it!!!
If I could go, I would.👍
Then suddenly Jesse!!
What am I thinking now?😏😏
It's very simple!!!!
The correct answer is
I wonder what everyone in the world is doing.
I sent the message to the 24 hour
After that, the two of us shared the photo 🤣 lol
Anyway, congratulations on your birthday.🎂
Let's eat cheese fondue again.
I want to make this an annual event.😏😏
Last raise your fist
And Zudon💪
[Photo of Jesse and Juri from when they filmed Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou]

translations: jesse, translations: jweb

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