so it`s cinco de mayo. kinda just want to copy and paste my previous entry to today.. or does that just mean that the feeling still pertains to what i want to write today? did i mention it`s cinco de mayo? the more i handle and interact the more weak i become, despite the self encouragement that being strong is the wya to go. the face of self
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If there were something I could give to you, If there were something I could give to you, It would be my unchanging, certain thoughts. Yes, my unchanging, certain thoughts. Right here.
what a fuckin`, random, kinda not really, what the what, damnit so frikki`n tired typenof day day and all sorts of shit. just wantedto chitty chitty bang bang, that song is stuck in brain. what the wAck. this video is kinda, eh, i dunno. but hey, it says (don`t) leave me alone.
we ran into many random people tonight. past couple of days have been kind of random. my mind hasn`t been elsewhere during work lately, and more focused. still miss some things though.
-Your words are laughable It’s just a, just a big joke-
"But sometimes I hate you so much That I don't even want to see your face And I think to myself 'Never come into my sight' But it doesn't mean that __________________________ After all, I want _______________side most and anytime"
sometimes hard to grasp reality and step forward. CM time.
「そうね 世界中の誰も知らなくていい たったひとり あなただけは知っていて こんな私の事 そうよ 世界中の誰も知らなくていい だって私達はちゃんと知っている こんなふたりの事」on a completely unrelated thought, today (the 4th) was mom and katie b.`s birthday. hap bday~. oh and bartender heather`s bday too. the roots were done today, frikkin` finally, also chopped off a bunch of my hair the other day too. some people are in town for
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this is one of my favorite music videos; it`s been a while since i`ve watched it. the saints won yesterday, "who dat~". it has stopped snowing for now; had a long walk in the snow yesterday, good times, good times. it was bright walking during early morning today, snow reflects.
never seen a person or team miss a cue/forget an important sound piece of a song like the first half of this clip, hEh, or for this long. this just aired abou a day ago. i like how boa and daichi kinda jjust looked around thinking ".. where`s our cue? uhh.. what should we do
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