Hungarian Alfred pic and videospam

Nov 06, 2009 13:42

I posted this pic- and videospam of my favourite Hungarian Alfreds in my journal this summer, but this is a somewhat updated version (with some newer videos and a couple of new pics) which I wanted to also post in public communities to spread the love.

I think Alfred in Tanz der Vampire is a totally adorable and underappreciated character and more people need to pay attention to how wonderful he is, so I'm spamming you with pics and videos from my three favourite Hungarian Alfreds: Sánta László, Mihálka Gyuri and Pásztor Ádám. They are the ones I've seen live and loved very much, and more people need to know them and see how lovely Alfred can be. Some other people also appear in the pics and videos, especially Pirgel Dávid, Andrádi Zsanett and Stróbel Dóra.

First, Sánta László, the adorable and wonderful first cast Alfred:

With Sarah (Andrádi Zsanett):

(This pic just has to be posted because... well, because)

(He's just lovely here.)

With the Professor:

With Herbert (Pirgel Dávid)

(I love Dávid's expression in this one)

And oh, this is priceless. Alfred doesn't look too scared here, now does he? *g*

This is just cute...

And a couple of videos:

Für Sarah in a TV programme performance (it cuts off a few seconds before the end, which is annoying, but it's a lovely performance - though it's two years old and his voice is much better nowadays)

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Here's another performance, from a concert:

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Wenn Liebe in dir ist, with Pirgel Dávid

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The same scene with Kamarás Máté, because I want to show something newer from László - this is from January 2008, I think:

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And then, the adorable, young and talented Mihálka György, usually called Gyuri.

With Sarah (I think it's Nádorfi Krisztina)

With Sarah (Andrádi Zsanett)

With Herbert (Kamarás Máté)

Just a random Gyuri-posing-in-costume pic

And then videos again:

From this summer, Draussen ist Freiheit with Stróbel Dóra, followed by Die Roten Stiefel/Stärker als wir sind

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Für Sarah in one of his first performances last year - isn't the boy's voice fantastic? He's 19 here.

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And the same song in a concert a few months later, just to demonstrate the point that Gyuri can sing better than any Alfred I've heard anywhere, or most other people I've heard either. By this, he'd turned 20.

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Wenn Liebe in dir ist, with Posta Victor as Herbert (Here's an amusing little mishap as he drops the book when Herbert gives it back to him... And he sensibly doesn't stoop to pick it up, because the "mirror-Alfred" wouldn't know to do that. It seems from my experiences Gyuri is generally given to prop mishaps, poor boy...)

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The same scene from a promotional concert, with Pirgel Dávid. If you ask me, the scene should end like this more often. ;-)

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If you want a better picture quality for that (though not better sound quality) check out this video, where it's preceded by Zsanett and Bot Gábor's Totale Finsternis.

And the newest Hungarian Alfred: Pásztor Ádám, another young-and-talented Alfred wonder boy. Though he doesn't look quite like I picture Alfred - he looks more like a pretty-and-corruptible boy-schooler than Alfred, I think. But his acting is great and well, he's certainly not hard on the eyes.

(I just think the contrast between Alfred's dreamy face and Koukol on the background is amusing)

Told you that fangs look good on him.

With Sarah (Stróbel Dóra)

Just because it's a fantastic biting-in-action pic:

With the Professor:

With Herbert (Pirgel Dávid):

And finally... the only thing better than a cute young talented Alfred is two cute young talented Alfreds. (L-R Ádám and Gyuri, from a programme signing event at the theatre this September)

This is the only video of Ádám's Alfred so far, from a promotional concert: Draussen ist Freiheit with Andrádi Zsanett's Sarah, followed by Die Roten Stiefel/Stärker als wir sind.

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photos, musical: tanz der vampire, actor: pásztor ádám, actor: mihálka györgy, videos, actor: sánta lászló

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