I went to bed very, _very_ late last night/early this morning after spending most of yesterday working on rearranging my room* and a long-overdue letter to Chaotica, and I wound up having my first Who dream in quite some time, which was very exciting.
In it, I was traveling with Two and Three, and we found ourselves inside a volcano that was _of course_ going to erupt soon. The Doctor(s) were trying to figure out how to stop said "volcano" (which turned out to be a spaceship, but which was still going to erupt) AND how to escape since the TARDIS had mysteriously vanished as soon as we got out of it.
Suddenly, "One" came up out of nowhere and rallied them together, directing them what to do, and embracing them both in a giant, welcoming hug. I was very clearly thinking at the time that he did _not_ look right, but my subconscious reassured me that was okay because "Sometimes he's played by someone different." So, he's organizing the other two, and none of his Companions are there, so I'm just sort of standing in the back trying to stay out of the way, when I notice these people with _gigantic_ eyes that are basically all pupil being directed into a passage off the main, huge, cavernous chamber by a woman with dark black skin and Tegan's stewardess uniform.
I was watching them and trying to decide whether it would be better for me to slip off after them to find out what they were doing and risk Three yelling at me for wandering off, or to stay there and tell them what I had seen and risk Two being Disappointed that I didn't go investigate when the whole place started shaking. Jets of air were shooting out of the walls from all directions, things were crumbling all over the place, and the situation was _not_ improving. I glanced over to where the woman was still shooing the bushbaby people out of the room and saw her start to take her face off...
Which is when we were suddenly transported to a kitchen in a small ranch house where The Doctors were struggling with one another. After a short time, Three finally subdued the not-quite-One and pulled his head off to reveal...a Sontaran! A swift akido chop to the back of the neck, and our fake One melted to the floor. Then Two offered me a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies.
Also, what I said a few days ago about Wesley never singing was not quite true - Gunn, Cordelia, and Wes all sing "We Are the Champions" very briefly in "Redefinition"...which you'd think I would have remembered. Wes was definitely holding the mic about as far from his mouth as he could and still have a chance of picking anything up, though. And they weren't singing so much as drunkenly shouting...
* This is a _massive_ project that has thus far involved moving every single piece of furniture save one bookcase, and it was completely reshelved in the massive I-got-a-7-foot-bookcase-for-graduation-which-is-a-good-thing-since-I-had-books-all-over-everywhere-and-now-I-need-to-organize-everything-all-over-again reshelving project.