Rather unexpectedly for encyclopedists, some progressists and humanists the ideology influence increases now significantly. Now many experts say on the World falling into the Medieval Psychology. It goes on in combination with the wildest superstitions flowering and the wildest interpretations of the main religions as well - so called fundamentalism. This fundamentalism might be not islam only - it happens with almost any religion, as with Orthodox Christianity, so with HAREDIM (ultra-orthodox) Judaists - I suppose it may be the same with other churches, but those three of them are playing the main part in the Western cultures. If speaking of Buddhism or Hinduism - in the Western cultures they are nothing more than various superstitions mainly.
So, the question is why it happens in our modern World, which seems sometimes by now that information-rich and science-based ? What is the sense of religion still existing?
I'm afraid all the Western intellectuals speculating on that seem to be like blind puppies! They are those very “highbrows” indeed, not just intellectuals, but those ones whose sophisticated ideas are absolutely alienated from day-by-day life, They always miss one very important sociopsychological moment. This moment is closely related with the problem of the USA international image and thus it just cannot be just missed.
Living and developing under the conditions at the edge of the torn culture of the socially retarding huge country allow me some keys to the problem understanding I believe. Those keys are usually lost by the Western Highbrows as show both of those works of those authorized economists Hazel Hederson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JhjmV0iLpk and Reisman vs Soros discussion
http://blog.mises.org/archives/002670.asp Recently I was sent this article of Kellner
http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/ed253a/dk/GLOBPM.htm as well, after that it got just clearer.
All these theorists while creating their well-grounded sound theories, miss the same moment. May be that is due to that simple fact that they have never belonged to a sociery suffering long-term serious limitations in anything. They have never felt it. They may have known it - in theory only, but it were impossible to feel, to realise if you had never lived under those conditions.
Without taking into account this effect all those theories are nothing but “cloud castles”, dreams.
Lack of attention to it causes today the main problems, so here is an attempt to explain it. Apparently the overweening neglecting to this effect was the main mistake of the democratists of the Bush period
Fancy a society existing under the conditions of severe limitation of access to some recourses - and these resources may be as goods, so communications,lifestyle and important status positions . In societies of that type such status positions are the key factors to more successful life there and “body” needs meeting. As a result the society gets strictly socially stratified with no "social lift" between the social levels. That is what happens now in Russia and so in many other socially retarding societies- or so-called "feudal"ones.
In case that situation was existing for time of, let's say, couple of generations at least, it gets looking quite normal for common people developed under those conditions. That is just due to human character nature.
- This is also a reason of forever interest to some luxury staff that have few practical use. For long time that staff processing was considered as one's status confirmation. This habit is not easy to forget. This depends on the conditions under which a person has been developing.
Having been working in course of long time,couple generations at least,that effect causes the social system stiffening, and makes the system autoreplication. In course of long time period peoples would get used and more-or-less adjusted to the system. Thus peoples of those systems would resist to any changes to the habitual life-stile from aside to prevent the unavoidable stress of reajusting.
In the developing countries this limitation assures some privileges to the upper social levels, so they would go on caring for these limitations would still exist for as long as possible. Without this limitation existing the value of their position would get decrease a lot. That would threaten their very existence. So they do anything to prevent any contacts of peoples from inside with environment outside that certain country.
Failing to meet the people “body” instincts the leading actorsoftheexis get appealing to some imaginary unique spiritual values of that certain people. That happens currently as in the Russian Federation so in other socially retarding states. This problem is very actual for developing international image of the USA - you may be quite sure that those countries officials are permanently claiming “those wretched Americans”, using some worse slang words. As long as these powers stay “in authority” for common peoples they may strongly influence their ideology. However Americans falling into certain overweening position of the Big Brother that knows everything better bothered other nations always, no matter how much reason was in it. So especially bothering it had got now under the crisis conditions. For the Americans got under the Market Autocracy destructing influence.
In this article
http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/ed253a/dk/GLOBPM.htm Kellner says that: “A critical theory of globalization is necessarily transdisciplinary”- may be he is right here, however not just critics need it, the globalization theory needs it as a whole!
Further on he says a lot of sound words on the former alternative of previously existing Soviet System. That just shows that he never lived under the Soviet condition. He may have been visiting the SU - but being instant visitor like tourists usually are, he was not able to realise what is day-after-day life under those conditions.
Like all those highbrows Western intellectuals, that are getting exited by some exotic cultures they are visiting for couple of week. After leaving they get crying that these unique ancient cultures getting extincting in the changing world. However nobody could make them living forever under these unique special conditions. Then why other peoples should stand it?
I was working a lot with foreign ecotourists in Russia. It is such a popular destination! Such a wilderness! That patriarchal society where anyone can live with no social borders and duties! Just for some reasons there are no crowds of migrants from the developed countries.... Exotic - yes, just as a day-after-day life - no, thanks
However what can be done with common folks unable enjoying the happiness of their simple life? Those stupid folks, that are just not able to get their happiness, are always looking forward to living better life...
Now it seems that those highbrow leftis are successfully applying to their own word the advice of one prominint Karl Markx opponent, left one as well. Karl Marx has considered proletariat to be the most revolutionary class, but Markuse has thought that true revolutionary class are various minorities. So, pathology should be advertised as norm, but norm should be advertised as pathology. "And only then," - Markuse writes - "we finally destroy the capitalism". That is exactly what is happening now. So it seems that - as any interesting theory usually gets - after having been brought to its maximum - the theory of political correctness together with respect to any religion ideology had got absurd. It can't stand the current Word changes.
in fact later on Kellner agrees that:
This global culture, however, operates precisely through the multiplication of different products, services, and spectacles, targeted at specific audiences. Consumer and media industries are becoming more differentiated and are segmenting their customers and audiences into more categories. In many cases, this involves the simulation of minor differences of fashion and style as significant, but it also involves a proliferation of a more highly differentiated culture and society in terms of an ever expanding variety and diversity of cultural artifacts, products, and services. - hence to he passes the following
he quotes the work of Axtmann, who also suggests that global citizenship and thus the effects of globalization per se could promote a greater acceptance of diversity, heterogeneity, and otherness rather than globalization just promoting homogeneity and sameness (1997) -
so he is not that hopeless.
I repeat - certainly it should be MANAGED, but not to fight against. that would be that stupid as fighting against any natural fenomenona.
The next question us HOW to do it? Which principles are to be applied too it? - The previous wretched attempts to do it - as by the SU, so by the Nazy Germany - dismissed to very term "social darvinism". But how to deal without it - at the new - NO the DNA-based one.