
Feb 05, 2010 22:36

Latest snow forcast is for 24 + inches by tomorrow with another storm coming Wednesday. Seriously, enough already mother nature.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

via ljapp

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Comments 3

rdprice29 February 6 2010, 04:02:41 UTC
Yes, seriously.

One horrible weather blog said that the gov't is prepping for 4 FLIPPIN' FEET OF SNOW, but wouldn't allow that number to be broadcast for fear of mass chaos. Gee, ya think?

If we get 4 feet of snow I'm just going to rip my awning off the back of my house myself and save mother nature the trouble. WTH?

I mean, I like snow...1,2 inches, maybe up to 6...but huge, biblical amounts of snow, especially twice in 1 winter (maybe thrice?). No.Thank.You. DO NOT WANT!!! >:(


scribhneoir1 February 6 2010, 13:26:46 UTC
she does seem to be somewhat out of control lately, doesn't she?
Stay warm m'dear!


koshweasley February 6 2010, 17:54:00 UTC
Dam, saw that this morning on the weather station. If it helps any, we didn't get what they said we would :)

I know not a help to you, but perhaps they'll be wrong for you too.


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