Dear CW, I hate you.

Oct 04, 2008 02:45

Dear CW ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

jij October 4 2008, 08:51:28 UTC
My guess is that they'll age Dick up to about 15 and have it be the adventures of him and his family (it's "They GraysonS," so they must still be alive) as they travel around the Gotham area. Each week he'll meet someone like Pamela Isley or Victor Fries and so on.

God, it's gonna suck so. Hard. And like Clark on Smallville, I'm betting if it's a success he never even meets Bruce (I don't think they'll let him appear in a tv show when the movies are so popular), so someday Dick Grayson will be 22 years old and not Robin yet. Yeah, that'll be great. Man.


magnolia_simms October 5 2008, 05:09:36 UTC
That's what I'm afraid of. In order to make it fit with the Smallville audience, they're going to need to age Dick up to at least his teens, which ruins the back story right there.

It's going to suck so much I don't even want to think about it. Dick didn't even contemplate becoming a superhero until his parents were killed and Batman took him in. What reason would he have for doing it if his parents are alive and there is no Batman in his life?

I'm sure they'll leave Batman out of it. They probably couldn't get the rights to use Batman because of the movies, so they went with Robin. But what they're forgetting is there is no Robin without Batman.

I hope something keeps this atrocity from happening, but if Smallville is ending (like it's been rumored it is), they need something to replace it, and it looks like this might be it...



jij October 5 2008, 14:45:02 UTC
It is SUCH a weird idea! I don't know what Dick will do each week--trapeze tricks that distract Ivy so the police can catch her? Batman trains him. If he's perfectly able to fight crime all on his own...just wtf? What a weird idea for a show. *shakes head*


magnolia_simms October 5 2008, 18:16:53 UTC
I know! What the heck are they going to have him do that will make it interesting enough and allude enough to the comics to keep people coming back to it?

And you're right, Batman did train him. He prepared him to fight crime because there is more to it than just being a trapeze artist. I'm pretty sure he'd need more than that before he could stop Mr. Freeze or something.

It's such a weird idea. I wonder how it got through so many people giving it the green light. You'd think someone would go, "But what are you going to have him do if he doesn't meet up with Batman?"


empressith October 4 2008, 19:04:19 UTC
I agree. That's stupid. And let's not mention the atrocity that was the Birds of Prey show...


magnolia_simms October 5 2008, 05:06:07 UTC
Ugh, I know. I saw it for sale on DVD at Target the other day, and part of me wanted it just for the sake it was a (sort of) DC related show. Then I remembered how much it sucked, so I saved my money.


empressith October 5 2008, 05:10:51 UTC
Oh it was awful. I couldn't even make it through the second episode. It's like a bad dream.


jessie_bannon October 5 2008, 05:30:46 UTC
Okay, this "Grayson's" thing, should die. I mean, CW was able to get away with Smallville and messing with some of the charactures (why is Vic Stone there? what?) And completely changing Lana Lang (last I saw, she had red hair, not black and ...)

But, you mess with my Robin/Nightwing and I'll come hunting after you. If you're going to do this then first you must put Mercy Reef back on (with the guy who plays Aquaman on SV, Justin Hartley is hot, but, he's better as Ollie) and you must do a second season of BoP. Yes, I rather enjoyed the show. I prefer Earth 2 Huntress (just wish you know.. she wore the costume, that would have made it awesome.) and the chick who was Oracle was AWESOME! I mean, her and Alfred were the best and almost spot on (though, alfred should have been abit thinner, but I was happy)

and.... time to sleep and pray that the Grayson's never happen....


magnolia_simms October 5 2008, 05:36:35 UTC
Oh, the list of things wrong with Smallville could go on and on. First, Jonathan Kent didn't die in the comics. He was still alive (they did that in the movies too, so I guess I can be somewhat forgiving with that). Second, Clark didn't meet Lex until he went to Metropolis. Third, the only people in Smallville that knew Clark's secret aside from his parents was Lana (who never married Lex, btw) and Pete (who did eventually marry Lana, even though they divorced later). I could go on and on and on... which is why I stopped watching it. I spent more time yelling at the TV than enjoying the show, so I just stopped watching years ago.

I didn't like BoP at all. Again, ruining the characters... Dinah? She's Black Canary... not whatever she was on that show. Oracle, I could tolerate. Helena, okay. But I just couldn't stomach it.

I'm really hoping that someone there has an epiphany and says, "Hey, this series is going to suck! Let's not do it!" But I doubt that will happen.


trogdor20x6 October 7 2008, 15:49:28 UTC
I watched Smallville for the first season, then gave up on it. The whole 'Kryptonite-powered villain of the week' formula got old. Fast. And as for Birds of Prey, that was just a bad series. My major complaint with shows like that is the 'lets take an established character and tweak the idea' concept. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for nods to pre-crisis continuity (Huntress is Batman's Daughter) but the other changes made just make no damn sense.
Ah well. Hey, maybe they could do a live action series about Lobo. But in the pilot, he quits his job as a bounty hunter and opens up a bar.


lonestarcat October 5 2008, 05:41:32 UTC
They can't be serious... Why do people feel the need to ruin these characters..?


magnolia_simms October 5 2008, 05:46:59 UTC
I'm sure they are serious, I just don't know who they would make it work. Dick isn't like Clark. Clark's back story was about a kid growing up as an alien, so yeah, there was something there to tell. Dick is just an ordinary kid who is in a circus. No superpowers, nothing like that.

And frankly, with his parents alive and without Batman, it won't work.

I just wish someone there had brains enough to realize it. All of the fans know it based on all of the reactions to this I've read.


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