actually, I've been compiling a list of yummi fics the past week. I was planning on making a nice big rec list (although I'm not sure it'll end up being that big.) I hadn't read 'Exotic Fish' before, glad you mentioned it. ^_^
Whee rec list! :D I never follow the tenipuri_yaoi, so I hope everyone posts their yummi fics in the pairing comm - but of course I miss things *sigh*. Célia's written a whole lot of yummi fanfics (and a series too), but it's too bad she feels more comfortable in French - I had to dig out my last bits of school knowledge and babelfished the rest XD;;
XD yes you definitely should!!♥ I've been checking your account from time to time but it seemed you were completely gone ;-; *squishes*
And see, I messed up the html :D;;, it was "Weak" that made me cry because I could sympathize with Mizuki so much it almost hurt. You write awesome characterization, dear, with so much power in your words. ♥
Waaaaai, thank you! ♥ :D :D :D Something to take my mind of HBP and all the wankage (WTF?!) going on... gosh, some fangirls seriously need to get a grip, no pun intended.
Comments 6
actually, I've been compiling a list of yummi fics the past week. I was planning on making a nice big rec list (although I'm not sure it'll end up being that big.) I hadn't read 'Exotic Fish' before, glad you mentioned it. ^_^
Whee rec list! :D I never follow the tenipuri_yaoi, so I hope everyone posts their yummi fics in the pairing comm - but of course I miss things *sigh*. Célia's written a whole lot of yummi fanfics (and a series too), but it's too bad she feels more comfortable in French - I had to dig out my last bits of school knowledge and babelfished the rest XD;;
You made me realize it's been a long, long time since I wrote fanfic. Should work on that.
p.s. Aww... I'm sorry the fic made you cry. ;o;
And see, I messed up the html :D;;, it was "Weak" that made me cry because I could sympathize with Mizuki so much it almost hurt. You write awesome characterization, dear, with so much power in your words. ♥
Yummi-ficage! <3
Mmh, I have yet to work my way through HBP XD;;.. but really, I started 2 pages but then got distrcted by RO *sigh*..
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