Title: Voldemort's Return: A Love Story
Summary: Defeating Voldemort is the essential task for the Order, but it's not about spells or battles or prophecies. It's about sacrificing those we love because we didn't get it right the first time. Arabella Figg has her own story to tell about Voldemort's return.
Characters: Arabella Figg, Albus
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Comments 18
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And the title - I'm so in love with the title of your story.
I'm also happy the title worked for you. I'm terrible at titles, but this time the title came first, and the fic followed. Thank you so much for reading! Maggie
And as for the title - the contrast between the first and second half makes me sqeee. Sometimes, title are pain in the a... but sometimes they just pop out in our minds and feel right.
i love it. i love the way you've framed it, the elements of 1st person storytelling seem so in tune with mrs figg - i *love* your mrs figg (and her cats!). i love the way it makes me feel like there are thousands of stories like this - unlit corners of canon. i love that it's not cosy or smug - there's real despair in it.
this is my favourite bit:
As Mr Tibbles said when I told him Mr Lupin's story, the currents of life run far beneath the surface.
Love is like the secret language of cats, I replied. You need to listen for it.
Again, thanks for such a lovely comment. Maggie
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