Title: The Red Umbrella
Summary: Fleur remained faithful long after her husband went missing.
Word count: 3200
Rating: PG for brief mention of sexual themes, het and femslash
Characters: Fleur, Molly, Charlie, Tonks, Kingsley, and others
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes: For /m, in response to the prompt "umbrellas."
One hand on Molly Weasley's clock was stuck on 'traveling,' that was all anyone knew. )
Comments 45
I have to say, bah to Bill and Remus if they just decided to disappear like that! So I shall imagine that either it wasn't them, or that something so terrible happened with the werewolves that their minds were somehow wiped. But it's incidental, really, to the story of the women, particularly Fleur.
Oh, and I love how Fleur thinks of her would-be dates. Poor Sturgis!
So glad the women worked for you here. I worry sometimes about how often I write about men, and I'm trying to experiment with some women whose main drawbacks are...well, let's say their main drawbacks are problems in canon that could be remedied in fic. *smile*
So happy that you read and enjoyed! Thank you! Maggie
poor bill. and poor remus. a happy ending, but not, for they are always running.
And I do like the thought of Fleur/Tonks. They are both such spectacular people.
Also, I do second maggiehoneybite's wish for the parallel Remus/Bill story; how on earth did this come to happen?
Thanks again!
Fleur and Tonks are both rather spectacular, aren't they? Though diminished a bit by their current canon relationships, I think. I shouldn't complain about the lack of strong women in the books, I should just work on them more.
I have some backstory worked out for Remus and Bill. We'll see what we can do with that.
Anyways, thanks enormously for stopping by to leave a prompt, my apologies for being so slow-moving, and thanks for reading the fic! Maggie
Much looking forward to whenever you sort out that Remus/Bill fic. I like the setup in this Umbrella-verse, it would be nice to see more of it; a world where the death of Voldemord does not automatically mean sunshine, joy and kittens for everyone.
Though diminished a bit by their current canon relationships, I think. I shouldn't complain about the lack of strong women in the books, I should just work on them more.
I definitely think you’re on to something here!
*smile* I suppose it's not the kind of thing you find a whole comm devoted to, is it?
I'm cursing myself now for not reading and writing more future!fic while it still needed only to play against expectations, not canon. Ah, well.
Again, thanks for your comments and encouragement! Maggie
I think there will be two more fics in this world, though they may be a bit slow in coming. *off to plot*
I second (third?) maggiehoneybite's idea of a mirror piece from Bill and Remus's point(s) of view.
Ah, yes, exactly.
I'm not usually so grim, am I? But I do see the thing with Percy as potentially awful. I'm anxious about how it will be worked out in the end.
We'll try to return to Bill and Remus at some point soon. Thanks for reading! Maggie
Thanks as always for reading! Maggie
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