(no subject)

Mar 15, 2007 14:59

I didn't recieve the email that called all PEG students to the community room for a meeting today, but I still got the memo:

Dr. Connell is resigning!
(she finally realized that she can't be a mother to four small children and attempt to be a mother to 30 PEGs at the same time...)

Apparently, PEGs are invited to give ideas for what we want to see in a new director.  Here is my thought: all upperclassmen who can make it should get together (or maybe we could do it all by email) and brainstorm a list of qualities we want the new director to have/not have... I think we should be able to agree on quite a few.  Then, we should all send individual emails with that same general theme... obviously not copies of the same email, but if the same ideas appear enough times, maybe the administration will get the point.  Graduated people, help too!

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