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Comments 34

ext_1678008 April 2 2013, 23:32:02 UTC
I can honestly say something that I was surprised to find I liked was a historical element to an erotic novel. History and me have a shaky ... well ... history. XD

Surprisingly enough though, when a human element is added, it becomes kind of fun.

AF Henley :D


magistra17sum April 13 2013, 22:06:30 UTC
Isn't the human element the whole point of history? :) That's what I've always loved about it, anyway.

Can I just fangirl a moment and tell you I LOVED "Honour", speaking of historical elements in erotic novels? :D


ext_1678008 April 14 2013, 16:17:11 UTC
Wow, thank you so much! I'm thrilled and honoured that you read it!

As for the human element to history, I think it's quite possible that the history I ran across earlier in life (read as: public school) just didn't present it that way. But that was probably not the norm for most teachers, just bad luck on my part. So here's to fiction for changing that. :D

Btw, and completely off topic, I absolutely love your avatar here. So cute. XD

I'm just starting to get myself into reading fantasy and fairy tale fiction as well so I'm looking forward to working my way through your recs above. Thanks for sharing them! <3


acosmistmachine April 3 2013, 01:16:53 UTC
for years I had it in my head that I disliked fairytale retellings. I liked fairytales in the same way I liked mythology. Generally not as much as I liked a lot of other kinds of mythology though and I'd read a couple retellings but nothing ever jumped out and grabbed me. In general the people I knew who swooned over fairytale retellings were the same people who grew up on the Disney movies, which I had not. To me there seemed to be a nostalgia for childhood associated with fairytales that I really just didn't get (my childhood being full of mummies and dinosaurs much more then princesses.)

Then I started to read Less Than Three's fairytale retellings, and fell in love, hard core.

So that being said I'd love to have a copy of "Learning to See," since I've been craving a reread and haven't had the extra money to by the anthology yet.

acosmistmachine AT gmail DOT com


magistra17sum April 13 2013, 22:10:10 UTC
I grew up on Disney movies, but was wooed by the music more than the fairytales. I love the mummies in your past, by the way--I scared the bejeebers out of my mom once by "practicing" mummification on all of my Barbie dolls using my new skein of yarn, and then hanging them all from the drop ceiling tiles in the basement by their hair to keep the wrapping from unraveling. I didn't really understand what to do with dolls. :)

I'm glad to hear you've developed a love for fairytales. I love them more and more the older I get, too.


ext_518799 April 3 2013, 01:58:07 UTC
Can we have a moment for the Lost Gods series...gah! I love that series! I'm in the middle of reading Megan Derr's "Dance with the Devil" series and I can hardly put it down. If you haven't read her "Black Magic"...do. It's great...I also loved Sasha Miller's "Saving Liam"...have you read the "Bad Moon Rising" Antho...and seriously, let's not get into serials...I could be here all night :D The difference between us is that I love fantasy, paranormal, an sci-fi and Less than Three is my first stop for all of the above. Historical aspects of stories usually bore me to death, but I recently read A.F. Henley's "Honour" and I was blown away. I loved everything about that story...Less than Three Press helps me find new favorites :D



magistra17sum April 13 2013, 22:12:17 UTC
Oh, we can have a moment! And another moment for each of the other things you mentioned. And for "Honour!" I was pretty excited to read that one, and it still blew me away. :D


fyredancer April 3 2013, 02:54:39 UTC
I never thought I'd like a story with cowboys! Then I started reading Megan's Dance Only for Me. *_*

She's so great with world crafting and intrigue, she could probably get me to read just about anything. *g*


magistra17sum April 13 2013, 22:14:17 UTC
Yup, I'll read anything she writes, even if it sounds like something I'd hate, and I always end up loving it. Like me and vampires when I finally caved and read Dance in the Dark. Which I now own in, like, every available format, along with the rest of the series. :)


mell8 April 3 2013, 13:37:16 UTC
I never thought I'd enjoy school. I was a terrible student in high school and I thought that college would just be a continuation of high school blah, only away from home. In a way, I was right. Freshman year was full of the same obnoxious drama and 101 classes had me snoozing. Then sophomore year started and I realized that I was actually having fun inside and outside the classroom. I loved learning, it turned out, when I was actually challenged. 200 and 300 level classes made me work to learn new things, while high school had simply handed me the knowledge with no effort required.

Now I have a Masters Degree and am contemplating if I should look into getting a second one.



magistra17sum April 13 2013, 22:15:26 UTC
That's awesome. I wish I could be a permanent student somewhere in the 200+ levels... :)


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