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theepiccek May 25 2013, 08:49:43 UTC
got away by some mistake (ended up where I began) - m

She stays with Piz for over a year, until the following thanksgiving. There is no catalyst, no one fight that ends it all. One day, it just... doesn't work.

(Deep down, they both know why. They know there is no bloodshed or ruined lives here)

She throws herself into study, aceing all her tests with ease, rather than just some of them. She goes to Wallace's basketball games, sitting with Mac and avoiding Piz. She works on small PI cases on the weekends, enough to keep her curiosity abated.

(If she's curious about insurance fraud, she can't be curious about what Logan is doing, after all)

"This is the moment, Logan, right now, where it is just... done. You're out of my life."Knowing what she does about Logan, she's shocked that she doesn't run into him for the rest of her time at Hearst. There are a few times, when she sees him from across the library, or passes his car in the parking lot. But their paths never cross ( ... )


tenshinrtaiga May 25 2013, 15:33:55 UTC
:) Loved how they came full circle. Great fill.


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