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Comments 140

magisterequitum May 24 2013, 00:30:46 UTC


magisterequitum May 24 2013, 00:31:06 UTC
Filled Prompts


devymel12 May 24 2013, 01:21:38 UTC
four nights will quickly dream away the time; titanic + rose dewitt bukater


theepiccek May 24 2013, 13:34:50 UTC
don't you dare look back - criminal minds + emily prentiss


myherodrowning May 24 2013, 00:34:25 UTC
His Dark Materials + Lord Asriel/Marisa Coulter + in the heyday of their romance, Marisa entices Asriel from his studies on a glorious summer day; pomegranates


magisterequitum May 24 2013, 00:38:49 UTC


magisterequitum May 24 2013, 00:36:44 UTC
Veep, Amy/Dan, What I feel now about you then/I'm just glad I can explain


myherodrowning May 24 2013, 00:36:55 UTC
titanic + rose dewitt bukater + she finds that she thinks most often of him on summer days, when all is bright and she imagines their life together might also have been


devymel12 May 24 2013, 01:17:50 UTC
She met, loved, and lost him in April, but she thinks of Jack the most in summer. It's never cold in summer, never icy, piercing like knives -

Rose guides the horse toward the surf, watching the waves crash and recede. She's trying to do what he asked, to head out into the horizon, to go where the wind takes her. But the pain is still fresh.

Her next trip will be Wisconsin. She wonders if Jack left anything behind. A sketchbook, a diary, maybe a picture. They might have lived there when the ship docked. She thinks it will help her in a small way.

Four days will quickly steep themselves in nights;
Four nights will quickly dream away the time.

Their - his - life may be over, but hers is not. She promised not to let go, and she didn't want to. But she was going to live enough for the both of them.


myherodrowning May 24 2013, 01:34:25 UTC
this is so lovely and evocative, and the last part of the last line - she was going to live enough for the both of them - ouch, my heart (in a completely good way, of course!) i absolutely adore this, thank you so much. <3


devymel12 May 24 2013, 02:19:25 UTC
i'm glad you enjoyed! :D


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