Fic: To Give Credit

Jun 25, 2010 22:18

Title: To Give Credit
Characters: Ainsley Hayes
Rating: G
Word Count: 303
Summary: She loves sweets, it only makes sense she learns how to make them herself.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I only play for fun.
Feedback: Is always and greatly appreciated.
Author's Note: Originally written for the Awesome Ladies Ficathon for the prompt, "TWW, Ainsley Hayes, Sweet Tooth".


It all begins when she is roughly ten.


It’s July and it’s hot, even for North Carolina summer standards, and she is in the kitchen. She’s on one of the barstools, bony knees knocking against the wood paneling. From the back door, she can hear her brother and sister, laughter filled screams in the humid laden air. She’s comfortable where she is. The heat’s not for her today.

Mama is baking. Her fingers are busy mixing the dough for the cobbler, fingers stained purple from the blackberries. Gold hair, the same that adorns her head, shines in the mid afternoon sun. She had kept up a steady commentary -why aren’t you mixing them all together, lemons aren’t sweet, Mama, and I want the bowl, please- but now she is silent.

Her mother places the bread pan in the oven. She joins her in licking the bowl, quick fingers competing against one another for the biggest dollop. The cobbler is for her father, his favorite, but she will have the first bite. A taste test. This is why she is inside.


Under her Mama’s tutelage she learns to bake.

She likes to eat sweet things. Cakes, pastries, muffins, anything that drips icing or causes her teeth to vibrate from the granular sugar.

She loves sweet things.

It only makes sense that she learns to make them for herself.


She gets rather good at it, the whole baking thing, even winning over a few of her Democrat colleagues; coupled with her wide smile and accent that drips honey, she is hard to resist.

And each time she takes a bite in celebration of a victory of some sort, she thinks of her Mama.

It's only fitting, anyway, Mama who created this sweet tooth monster, to give credit where credit is due.

character: ainsley hayes, tv: the west wing, fic

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