Title: A Possible Threat
Characters: Megan, H.R.G. (Noah), Sylar
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: Megan and Noah try to stop Sylar and Don's in trouble again.
Disclaimer: I own neither Heroes nor Numb3rs.
Feedback: Is always and greatly appreciated.
Author's Notes: See the
Master List for previous parts 1-14. Author's Comment below.
A Possible Threat )
Comments 7
Claire Bennet is Noah Bennet's daughter; adopted, but not important for this storyline. She has the ability of cellular reproduction, in a sense, she cannot die or be injured at all. Her body heals itself.
Sylar is always after this power as he sees it as the creme de la creme for his collected abilities. Immortality at his fingertips.
The Haitian is Noah's real partner in the Heroes Universe and he has an ability that erases memories.
I started watching Heroes last night with Tina and that whole erasing memory thing really pisses me off. He better stay the heck away from Don. *narrows eyes at him*
Another great addition. Looking forward to seeing where it goes. :)
I've learned to really like Noah. He does what he does and it's not always the best thing, but most of the time it's because he thinks what he's doing is right and for his family or the ones he wants to protect.
We'll see what Megan has up her sleeves.
Definitely looking forward to seeing what Megan has up her sleeves. :)
Hmmm... yes... the patience might definitely kill you. I hope it doesn't.
Megan's a crafty one.
Wonder what Megan would do to keep him away from Don. Hmm...
You know, I always wonder why Sylar never really interested in Peter's ability. I mean, he's easy to get other people's power and already has Claire's ability. But that's just me... *grins*
Plus, I only go as far as season 2. Haven't watched season 3. ;)
Anyway, looking forward to the next part. ;D
Ahh, but the Haitian doesn't always do what Noah wants him to. ;)
You know, I always wonder why Sylar never really interested in Peter's ability.
I think it might be mentioned in S3 or just my guessing, but in Sylar's mind Peter's ability is weaker. He's like a sponge and the powers are never truly his. Sylar takes them, perfects them, and they are his. Plus, in S3 (get on that!) Peter's ability has some issues.
Thanks so much! Next part coming soon.
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