Strawberry Hill

May 30, 2011 02:19

The idea came to me when I was forced to go strawberry picking and wouldn't get outta my head untill I put it on internet paper. A very short 500 word fic for the lovely doctorpancakes from her series Another Sky. Hope you likey! :)

Sumarry: Dan and Jones take Felicity strawberry picking
Word count: 500 (exactly)
Rating: G
Notes: Writen late at night and unbeta'd but will update when beta'd (PS: Title taken from the song by Red House Painters)

Jones stood there with one hand on his angular hip holding the small plastic container as Dan explored in the green leaves before pulling out a small but perfectly ripe strawberry.

He looked up and shot a look in Jones’ vague direction

“Are you just gonna stand there or are you actually gonna pick?”

Jones gave a small smirk

“I’d rather just admire the view thanks” Dan couldn’t help but smile and take Jones’ hand.

After a moment Dan realised that Fliss was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Fliss?” Jones scanned the area for a moment before pointing in the vague direction of Dan’s right

“Just over there” Jones gave a small smile and shook his head slightly “You worry too much Dan. You’ve gotta loosen”

“So you’ve said” Dan smiled slightly knowing that Jones was right. Dan was defiantly the strong protective dad around Fliss, Jones was the slightly dysfunctional mum that much was for sure.

“Daddy, daddy look! I got a big one!” At that point she held up a large, shiny strawberry. Her lips where already stained a deep pink, she smiled and wiped he hands on her dungarees.

“That’s right princess” Jones said as he picked her up under her thin arms, spinning her round until she gave out a small squeal. As he carefully placed her back down to earth her face contorted what could only be described as mild confusion.

“Why is Dada standing funny?”

Jones looked over to see Dan putting more weight on one leg then the other, he’d been standing too long.

“Er... I think Dada just really wants to get home and eat some of these yummy strawberries with lots of ice cream...” Jones shot a look at Dan who in return licked his lips and rubbed at his stomach in exaggerated fashion

Dan and Jones had decided to put off telling Fliss the truth about why Dan sometimes walked funny or had to stand on one side or couldn’t give her longer piggy back rides like Jones could. Neither of them could bear revisiting all the memories.

“Come on then, let’s go pay and then we go home and have some strawberries and ice cream in the garden” The little girl squealed again before hurtling off in the direction of the wooden kiosk at the other end of the field.

Jones immediately came to Dan’s side and allowed Dan to put a fair amount of his body weight on him. Even though Fliss was half way down the field by now Jones still talked in hushed voices

“I did say you could go sit in the car ten minutes ago and I’d finish”

“I’m fine, honest” at that Dan winced

Jones smiled at Dan’s obvious lie. He entwined their fingers in a tight hold before leaning up to place a small firm kiss on Dan’s cheek

“What’re you like, eh?” Dan raised his eyebrows at the question

“I love you Jones”

“I love you too” came the instant reply

other character, rating: g, jones, felicity ashcroft-jones, dan

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