
Jun 09, 2010 13:46

NEWTs are over! Thank the gods; I thought I was going to just fall over in the middle of the Potions practical. That's the only one I'm fair certain I didn't pass. The others were easier than I had expected! Especially Care of Magical Creatures. That was fair simple. Who wouldn't know the dietary habits of Murtlaps ( Read more... )

such a giving soul, seventh year, exams wtf?, flower child, food tiemz nao!, happy!daine, animal chatter

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invisicanuck June 9 2010, 19:28:50 UTC
Congratulations, Daine. I'm glad all that studying pulled through for you.


[ action ] invisicanuck June 12 2010, 16:25:05 UTC
[ WHY IS THIS DEPRESSING HIM. alksdjd sigh, okay, um. ]


[ action ] done invisicanuck June 12 2010, 16:25:52 UTC
P-please excuse me, I didn't mean to exclaim like that. Canada is the nation above the United States of America. It's a commonwealth of the United Kingdom, the second largest nation on Earth... I. Um.

... I would like some cake please?


[ action ] magicofthewild June 13 2010, 00:27:57 UTC
Oh. I've never really studied much geography, to be honest...

Yes, here! [She gets him some cake, completely oblivious to his plight.]


[ action ] invisicanuck June 13 2010, 02:39:36 UTC
That's. Understandable.

Thank you. [ SOB. Matthew takes the offered cake and changes the subject. ] Are you still applying for that TA job?


[ action ] magicofthewild June 13 2010, 04:07:19 UTC
Yeah, I am! I hope I get it. Hopefully, there will be a spot for me in Care of Magical Creatures, though I'll take what I can get.

[She pauses.] Well, mayhaps not Potions.


[ action ] invisicanuck June 14 2010, 03:09:36 UTC
I hope you get that Care of Magical Creatures spot. [ He smiled, taking a bite out of the cake and swallowing. ] It'll be nice to have yet another reason to look forward to that class.


[ action ] magicofthewild June 14 2010, 03:15:52 UTC
Oh! Well, I hope I can make class enjoyable... [she smiles at him, taking a bite of her own cake.] You're in Care of Magical Creatures?


[ action ] invisicanuck June 14 2010, 03:25:39 UTC
I'm sure you will! If anything, you'll certainly be informative.

[ He rubs the back of his neck. ] Y-yes, I... have an avid interest in the subject actually.


[ action ] magicofthewild June 14 2010, 04:17:22 UTC
[She's surprised, but happily so.] I didn't know! I can't wait to see you in class, then!

I'm glad someone else loves magical creatures...


[ action ] invisicanuck June 14 2010, 04:26:29 UTC
Do you know much about North American creatures? A-and I lov-- enjoy studying all kinds of creatures actually! Dragons and ...

[ He averts his eyes, embarrassed suddenly. ] ...polar bears.


[ action ] magicofthewild June 14 2010, 04:43:34 UTC
I know some North American creatures, but I'm better with Asian and European ones. I can still take care of them, though. And I love dragons.

...polar bears are nice. [She smiles.] I like normal animals too, you know. I, uh...

well, I don't know if I should share. [She's embarrassed.]


[ action ] WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE. invisicanuck June 14 2010, 04:53:21 UTC
North American creatures are my forte. N-not to say I'm an expert of course, you probably know loads more but -- [ Ahh, anyway! ]

... you can share if you want, but you don't... have to...?

[ He laughs suddenly, rubbing the back of his neck. They were acting a bit silly. ]


[ action ] BECAUSE THEY ARE SO ANIMAL-OBSESSED ;u; magicofthewild June 14 2010, 15:26:02 UTC
No, I'm fair certain that you may know more than I do, there!

[She laughs, as well. This is rather silly.]

Well, I...I completed my Animagus training. I'm an Animagus! But don't tell anyone- I don't want anyone to know.

[She blushes, embarrassed over her ability. But she wanted to share it with someone, and Matt was the best at keeping secrets.]


[ action ] invisicanuck June 14 2010, 17:03:43 UTC
[ Matthew regards Daine with wide eyes, clearly impressed. Well, he certainly wasn't expecting that. ]

Please excuse my language, but that's bloody amazing, Daine. O-of course I'll keep it a secret. I'm flattered that you'd share that with me.


[ action ] NERD BROS. invisicanuck June 14 2010, 17:04:32 UTC
[ For a moment, he stays silent, but then he suddenly encases her in a one armed hug. Daine was his friend; he felt proud, in a way. When he lets her go and speaks, his voice is even quieter, softer. ]

May I... may I inquire on what form you take?


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