Title: Parasol Author: Magickmoons Genre/Pairing: Angst, Sam/Jack Rating: K+ Warning: Major Character Death Disclaimer: Not mine Summary: The moments before grief
oh man, that is gut wrenching! So sad that Sam is just on the verge of taking a bold step into the future, only to realize they ran out of time. So very poignant.
Thanks. I feel weird saying I'm glad it affected you like that, but... I'm glad it affected you.
Oddly, this isn't the type of story I usually read, although I have read some. My general theory of entertainment is I have enough crap in my life, I want to ultimately be smiling at the end! Bumps, bruises, and tears along the way are fine.
But this one didn't give me a choice. It appeared in my head substantially the same as I ended up posting it.
I love angst. The more heart-wrenching the better. I wrote one where Sam dies on the battlefield, in Jack's arms, but they have to leave her behind to save another team. It was really hard to write because you love the characters and you don't want to put them through that pain.
Comments 7
But it was beautifully written. Thank you.
I love this kind of story but it's going to haunt me all day. Gaw!
Oddly, this isn't the type of story I usually read, although I have read some. My general theory of entertainment is I have enough crap in my life, I want to ultimately be smiling at the end! Bumps, bruises, and tears along the way are fine.
But this one didn't give me a choice. It appeared in my head substantially the same as I ended up posting it.
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