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Comments 10

yep it's been a long time rebelprivateer January 2 2006, 20:41:19 UTC
9 years of Marriage in the Army with a Unit that has one of the Highest Divorce rates in the Army, Yep I got a Keeper. I don't know what it is about you baby that drives me crazy from the first day I meet you at the pool almost 15 years ago Denying that I didn't love you and all through H.S. never getting to go out but always being close to you. To joining the army Basic, AIT, and Korea, then FT Campbell you have always been there to support and help me along the way. For giving us our Son and bring joy into this world that will out last both of us I think you. I love that you are just you and everything about and you help me be a better person, father, and man I thank you baby. I look back on the last 9years and allot has happen and yet it only seems like yesterday we were splashing around in the pool at Brownstown. I hope we live a long happy time together for I believe we bring out the best in each other and together we will take on the World. I love you my Little Baby.


Re: yep it's been a long time magickalmom January 2 2006, 20:43:39 UTC
thank you baby! I love you too!

*sniff, sniff*


Re: yep it's been a long time nighteyes_70 January 4 2006, 02:16:32 UTC
You both get big hugs and kisses from me! Wheeeeeeee!


Tear, tear... kinkyjedi January 3 2006, 05:45:30 UTC
That was so sweet! Happy Anniversary!


Re: Tear, tear... magickalmom January 3 2006, 07:05:40 UTC
Thanks sweetie... by the way when is your anniversary?!

Hey I still have your birthday prezzie sitting at my house. We have to find a day to get together! Let me know when the next movie night is....LOL! You'll love this as long as you don't already have it! Hehehehe..


Re: Tear, tear... kinkyjedi January 4 2006, 02:01:54 UTC
Our tenth anniversary is on October 24th this year. We're going to attempt to go to Hawaii if we can scrape the money together. We're so close to taking care of our debt we're not sure if a trip would set us back...but wouldn't it be a great tenth anniversary present?

We will have to have a movie night soon. Chris and I were talking about that last weekend. I rarely get to make it up that way anymore, but I want to get together for a movie night sometime.


Re: Tear, tear... magickalmom January 5 2006, 18:05:02 UTC
sounds good to me, just let me know when!

BTW--- Hawaii would be an awesdome 10th ann gift to yourselves! My mom has a friend who has a condo there, I think she leases it out when she is not using it!


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