001 ۞ video | action for gryffindors - back dated to last night

Oct 17, 2011 13:08

[When the feed clicks on there is nothing but a roaring fire to be seen as the owner of the device fiddles with the machines functions. For a moment the image zooms in and then out and then everything goes blurry again as the common room spins into view. For a second the screen is filled with the image of a dirty blond haired boy with brown eyes, ( Read more... )

hungary, axel, sakura haruno, alphonse elric, kallen kouzuki

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video; transmutates October 17 2011, 21:50:18 UTC
I'm coming, I'm coming! And when I get there, I got a question for you, Al.


transmutates October 18 2011, 07:34:11 UTC
Yeah, except I highly doubt the small crap we'll be learning at first'll be real useful in battle, Al.

[ Huffs, mostly because he'd rather throw the stick away and punch the person he's fighting on the nose. ]

Hey, I sometimes try to take care of it!

[ But the thought of Winry makes him quickly sober. Leaving her behind like that... he hopes she won't be mad. ]

But, they... have this stuff that regrows bones, the lady said.


alkahestry October 18 2011, 23:53:21 UTC
You never know what skill or spell will be useful, I suppose it's all about how you use them, but they can't all be a waste of time.

[Except for turning a mouse into a snuff box, that was absolutely pointless. A small chuckle escapes his lips as Edward protests but he can not help blinking when Edward mentions the whole part about regrowing bones. That meant...]

.... Brother?


transmutates October 19 2011, 22:27:26 UTC
[ Forgetting the discussion of spells for the time being, his focus is centered down at his right hand and he pulls off his glove to look over the metal fingers. The last piece he'll probably ever get from Winry. ]

I'm gonna tell her no.


alkahestry October 20 2011, 01:09:36 UTC
[There is visible turmoil in Al's face as Edward informs him that he's going to turn aside help to regain his real arm and leg. The book in his arms is thrown aside as he sits up and crawls up on his knees. Pressing a hand to Ed's good shoulder he pushes back as he rises up so he towards a bit more of Edward's smaller frame.]

But - NO - why!?

[From the start of all this, that's all they've ever tried to do. Restore one another, and restoring Edward's limbs - it was something wanted to do and had personally sacrificed to do. He just can not understand why Edward would say no.]


transmutates October 20 2011, 01:15:31 UTC
[ Al's outburst is to be expected, and he gives a bit of a pained smile in response. Back then, the plan had always been to restore Al to his original form. He cared less about his own situation and more about Al, though his brother had always insisted. He went through a lot to have the limbs installed in the first place, having withstood the excruciating pain. It was all Equivalent Exchange. But to just throw that all aside to drink some potion seems like he'd be cheating himself. ]

Al. This is all we got left of our world. I kinda want to keep it as a reminder. [ A slight pause. ] 'Sides... it's kinda handy and getting used to real limbs again would just be a pain.


alkahestry October 20 2011, 02:09:18 UTC
[Edward's reasons are all well and good, but it is a bit of a blow to hear that his brother wants to keep his artificial limbs. Even if in a way he can understand the desire to keep whatever parts of home they have left close. It just all seemed to unfair. His grip on Edward's shoulder slackens as his muscles release and he sinks to his knees.]


[Quietly his fingers reach around beneath him, finding Edward's automail hand and taking it into his own. Those metal fingers are flexed ever so slowly by his own real ones. They're so cold... compared to the other that rests on his other side.]


transmutates October 20 2011, 02:12:42 UTC
[ For a moment, he tenses, blinking as Al sinks to his knees and takes his automail hand in his own. He's always known of Al's desire to return his limbs, having found that desire in his brother sometimes frightening (like when Al, sweet and caring Al had been willing to rip the limbs off Wrath in order to return them), but he can't let Al continue focusing on that. With his left hand, he reaches out, ruffling Al's hair and urging his brother to get back up and join him on the couch. ]

C'mon, Al. It's not so bad. Besides. I got all that I wanted, so it's okay like this.


alkahestry October 20 2011, 03:58:06 UTC
[He prefers to think himself as passionate and determined when it comes to replacing his brother's lost limbs. Limbs that he lost because of him. He looks up slowly as Edward urges him it's all right, and for a second he takes a moment to really look into Edward's gold colored eyes.]

Still... after everything...

[I owe you something. Anything. Of course, the fact that Edward is even talking about his return being what he wanted.]


transmutates October 20 2011, 04:19:14 UTC
[ Ruffling Al's hair again, he gives a casual shrug. ]

I'm just glad I got to see you again, Al. And, hey, this is far better than the stuff I had to use in Munich. Between you and me, our old man's not very good at building automail.

[ Manages an awkward grin, hoping to reassure his brother a bit more. ]


alkahestry October 20 2011, 06:22:49 UTC
[He remains unfazed by the ruffling of his hair, still far too caught up in the whole situation to relax or let Edward off the hook just yet. It's hard to just give up on something they've been struggling for so long. He's just going to stare silently, while he continues to gauge your reactions.

And yes, he's pouting just a little.]


transmutates October 20 2011, 07:26:33 UTC
[ Time for a change of topic, then. Giving a wave of his hand, he leans back and pulls his knee to his chest. ]

So, you think we could find a way to sneak into the kitchens later on?


alkahestry October 20 2011, 08:49:32 UTC
[Still watching you. He's a bit disappointed and his pout shows it, normally and under any other circumstances he would be all right with agreeing to Edward's wishes. It's just part of him really wants to see his brother whole again.

The question from Edward only earns a more pronounced stare.]

Are you kidding? How can you even be hungry after all that food that they had out at dinner?


transmutates October 20 2011, 09:24:11 UTC
[ Laughs, waving his hand in what he hopes is a placating manner. ]

I can't help it! Besides, a trip out might give us a better idea of the castle layout. I hear the head janitor guy has a pet cat.


alkahestry October 22 2011, 07:38:33 UTC
I haven't managed to get that far down yet... I am --

[A pause. He's shifting on the couch so he set down the books and pull out a few pieces of parchment. On the couch he starts piecing them together in odd shapes for Ed to see. He begins to point and talk again.]

-- here, here, and here. Trying to work out points from which I left off last so I keep things in perspective. The kitchens are going to be on the lower levels... probably closer to the Hufflepuff and Slytherin dorms. We'll have a lot of patrol paths to get past and even then I'm not sure where they are and yes, Mr. Filch has a pet cat, her name is Mrs. Norris. She's here at the moment, with my second suit of armor. Seems like she's fairly smart, but she doesn't quite know what to make of me yet - at least not when I'm combined with an inanimate object.


transmutates October 22 2011, 14:46:04 UTC
[ Pretty slick, little bro. Leaning over to get a better look, he tilts his head, following Al's finger as he points to each new mark. The map is handy, even if it's incomplete, and it'll be good to see when it's finished. ]

Our jailors are pretty tough, aren't they? Good work, Al. I think, once we can get the whole thing mapped out, it might give us a better idea of the patterns the teachers employ. If there was a way we could combine what your armor sees with the map at all times, it'd be even better.

But the cat though... It's just a cat, right? What's she gonna do if we run into her? I'm more worried about bumping into that damn Peeves.


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