Fropreg part III

Aug 26, 2003 20:35

After worrying myself about the fact that I haven't updated anything for a while, I sat myself down and got to writing up part 3 of my Fropreg! As this is written only in sequence, not necessarily as a continuation from the last chapter, I have decided to go from Shelob onwards in this chapter. The Mordor chapters will be more detailed and less jumping all over the place, for reasons that will become clearer soon....

Title - Life in the Darkness
Disclaimer - Characters and places aren't mine. Parts of storyline are.
Rating - PG-13
Warning - Fropreg, angst

Chapter 3
Frodo opened his eyes and winced in pain; the blissful rest of poisoned sleep leaving as quickly as it had arrived. His shoulder ached, the old stab wound that had been long healed, and there was an odd, jolting pain at the back of his neck. The babe was still alive. He did not know how he knew, but instinct told him it had not abandoned him. And Sam. Where was Sam? Frodo searched his mind. He remembered the blackness, the tunnels and then the great webs. Then... nothing. Just darkness.

The filthy grey face of an orc filled his vision, and a stinging pain assailed his left leg, naked in the cold tower. The beating continued, and he squeezed his eyes shut once more, wishing again for the blackness followed by the sweet smell of his homeland as he awoke.

Sam had to arrive soon..... Frodo couldn't take much more.
Frodo stared up at the small pinpoints of bright light that hung in the sky. Although a rarity in the dark days that the companions travelled across the black lands in, they brought no comfort to him, and glared down coldly from their all seeing position. They had done this to him; taken away the one tiny shaft of light and motivation that had been given to him on this quest. He had trusted them and placed his hope in them. And they had failed him.

There was nothing left. He had seen to that. A low rumble of thunder sounded in the night sky and the stars went out as the rain came.

It was dead, Frodo was sure of it. A terrible darkness filled his belly instead of a great light, and Frodo knew it was because the babe had gone.


Sam trudged just behind Frodo in the gloom, keeping a close eye on the barren landscape of scrubs and twisted bushes, and at the same time watching his master's every move as he struggled with both his thoughts and the heavy orc armour. He knew what troubled Frodo, and thought back to a conversation they had had only that morning, a day after he had saved his master from the torment of Cirith Ungol. It had taken him a day to be able to speak about what had happened, but Sam had instinctly known that all was not at rights with the older hobbit.

"It told me it could end it all, Sam. It told me I could stop the beating and retire from this world if I wanted to. It offered to kill me, to draw itself up on the chain and strangle me in my sleep so I would take no hurt." Frodo had paused, shuddering at the memory.

"And then what?" Sam had coaxed Frodo, urging his master to purge himself of the thoughts.

"I told it no; that I had something else of great importance to attend to..... And It knew.... oh, Sam, It knew. It knew that I would not let myself give in while I carried the babe. And so It killed it. It killed it so it could kill me and return to Its master."

At this point, Sam had embraced his trembling master and placed his hand gently under Frodo's makeshift shirt to feel the delicate swell of his belly. The warmth had left it, but Sam half imagined that he felt a faint heartbeat. He had something to cling onto.


Frodo groaned and brought Sam abruptly out of his thoughts. A sharp stab of pain in his midsection had caught Frodo unawares, and it was at this that he realised how exhausted he was. He crawled under a gorse bush that Sam pointed out and, as the hobbit checked the safety of their position, Frodo closed his eyes, feeling constantly aware of the dead thing in his abdomen, and hating himself for allowing the Ring to destroy the one thing he still had hope for. He disgusted himself now.

Perhaps the Ring would get its wish.

I think it's sort of mixed up, this chapter, but I didn't know how else to express what I wanted to write. Thanks to ancalime8301 for the inspiration!

Please leave your thoughts in the comments box! Evene if you hated it, let me know because I want to see if the flameproof lining works!
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