Playing catch-up

Aug 06, 2008 10:30

Oh boy, so many things to at least mention. So, I shall go with the trusty bullet method:
  • A couple Wednesdays ago, we went on our Marketing field trip. We took a trip down the coast to La Jolla to visit our colleagues at the Birch Aquarium. I had never been, so it was interesting. Due to the fact that it was supposed to be a field trip for us to spend some quality time together and build camaraderie in the department, I don't think it was the best trip we've taken. It felt a little more like a research mission. :D The beach taunted us while snorklers dove around the kelp paddies and kayakers paddled in the alcove. We wanted to be on the water! That said, however, it was a nice trip, the little aquarium is very nice, especially their rotating exhibits gallery which is featuring both animals that use camoflauge and global warming (two galleries, not one). (set)

  • Then, I went on a whale watching trip again a couple Fridays ago (7/25). I was asked to go so that I could make another TV appearance for a Spanish language show (Los Angeles en Vivo, 62). Then, to take advantage of the fact that I was already making the trip and doing this media stuff, they added a crew from LAUSD (the school district has their own public access sorta shows). It was a wonderful trip. We saw about four blue whales multiple times. We even got to see one fluke! That is a really good whale watching day (blue whales are not dependable flukers)! Below are a couple shots and a blurry video that I took with my little cam (set). Bad thing is that I got sunburnt after the whale watch while waiting out on the front plaza for someone. It was bad. My whole face pretty much peeled off about four days later.

  • The day after the whale watching, we went to El Dorado Park for a birthday picnic in honor of my dad. It was a nice relaxing time with the family. We set up camp (no overnight, just a nice place to nap), cooked burgers and corn, lounged about, and fed the ducks. That was nice. The only thing that would have made it better would have been my face not radiating heat like an oven. (set)

  • Breaking Dawn Party. I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but my friend Jane got me into Twilight earlier this year and this girl is serious about her mission to spread the Twilight. As of right now, she has 31 fans to her name. 31 fans. That is mind boggling. Like I said before, it's a good thing she deals in books and not in drugs or else we'd all be screwed. So anyway, she threw a shindig on Friday after work but before the release at the book store. She went above and beyond. She put up Breaking Dawn quotes on the wall of the staircase that led to her apartment. She ran a raffle for cash to buy the book that night (which we rigged in her favor as thank-you-twist). She made themed cupcakes (red velvet anyone?), a trivia game, a "guess how many kisses are in the jar" game, and more. She had prizes and everything. Best thing? She made us all party favors that consisted of handmade bookmarks wrapped with an I <3 twilight magnet and chocolate covered coffee beans. It was a LOT of fun. Especially when Kellyn got there with her own made up Twilight board game (which Raelene made adorable pawns for!). When we got to the bookstore, there was another trivia game and out of the four prizes, our group won THREE of them! I got the movie poster! :D (set)

  • As for the book itself? Well, I won't give any spoilers, although anyone that I know that wanted to read it pretty much has. I didn't like is as much as the others. I don't hate it, I just didn't like it as much. But it wrapped up nicely in my opinion. In such a way, anyway, that it left me not wanting any more. That is the best that I could hope for because really, I don't need an addiction that is a guilty pleasure. lol I will still go out and watch the movies and all that, but it isn't haunting my mind like the other ones did when I first read them a few months back.
  • Thanks for reading! :D

work, aop, bday, party, familia, whale watching, birch, twilight, book, sunburn

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