Debra Morgan [x20] Under the dome[x6] Sorry, it's not much in this month. I have a lot of work and not mach time for lj and PS. But i do my best. Hope you will like it. Enjoy.
These are gorgeous! I love your vibrant coloring on texture, ac1, ac2 and ac4. Love your use of gradients as well, especially joy and gradient/texture. Snagging lemon/lime and AC2.
Beautiful set, the lighting and coloring is superb as always! I particularly love the colorful light in Lemon/Lime, Journey and cat4, and the lovely mutedness of Ivory, Light and Passion. Awesome text work in cat2, and the whole ac set is just lovely in its clarity and natural vibrancy :>
Lovelovelove ♥ I love the colors/texture use of animal texture, the lighting/contrast of gender swap. Lemon/Lime has stunning text skill and the colors are fantastic !! =) Love muted colors of passion, is amazing. Cat2 has again wonderful text use and the bacjground is stunning; so simple and beuatiful. cat5 has stunning colorings. ! And wow, your ac set behind awesome !!! =) I just love them all. AC1 ha STUNNING colors and the contrast and ac3 amazing background an dthe sharpening. Lovely work !! I will take animal texture, lemon/lime, cat1&2 and ac1. THANKS !!!! :) ♥
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