Stamped as Dorothy & Hans Solo//Sci Fi 2000's Theme

Jun 13, 2010 22:06

Name: Olivia
Stamped as:
Hans Solo & Dorothy [Regular]
Yvaine & Tristian [Fanasty]
Would you prefer a [ ] female [ ] male [ ] don’t care or [x] both stamps?

getting to know you
Positive characteristics: Independent, Determined, Imaginative, Loyalty, Romantic, Humorous, Ambitious
Negative characteristics: Shy, Pride, Oversensitivity, Stubborn, Quiet, Moody
Neutral characteristics: I daydream A LOT
Favorite things: movies, acting/directing, reading, traveling, photography, music, dj, daydreaming
Dislikes: Immaturity, inappropriateness, irresponsibility, rudeness, no music, quietness, procrastination, strict rules
What is your least favorite fantasy movie from the list?Planet of the Apes & Next

this or that
Pick one or the other; or both; or neither, just explain!
Brave/Safe: Brave with safe moments
Leader/Follower: Leader
Proud/Humble: Proud
Compassionate/Insensitive: Compassionate
Intellectual/Physical: Intellectual with some physical. I like to be in shape.
Fighter/Lover: I can be both
Thinker/Doer: Doer
Gentle/Callous: Gentle but callous with the truth
Optimistic/Pessimistic/Idealistic/Realistic: Idealistic optimist
Believer/Skeptic: Believer
Tranquil/Hot-Tempered: I can be both
Worrier/Carefree: Carefree but worried about stuff like school
Just/Merciful: Merciful
Passionate/Reserved: Passionate
Open/Secretive: Secretive to strangers but open to friends
Rule Follower/Rule Breaker: It depends on the rule

tell me more, tell me more
You get to star in your own sci-fi movie!
What time period is your movie set in?Somewhere in the far future
What’s your location? A distant planet, a space ship?a really cool & big space ship
Do you have any special powers? I can read people’s mind and understand every language in the universe
Who are your friends/team members? They are someone who I care and trust about. And they willing to make sacrifices.
What do you look like? What do you wear? Some really cool futuristic outfit
Ideally, how old would you be? late teens/early twenties
What's the villain(s) like? Evil, vile and ambitious
To defeat the above, what weapon would you use? Lightsaber and my wit
What the point of this whole movie? Defeat the evil empire, escape from space pirates, suppress the robotic uprising?Defeat the villain
Do you find true love? Yes!
Does your movie have a sub-genre? Comedy, romance, drama?Romance drama with some funny
Be honest now, do aliens exist? YES!

filling out forms
Pick any that appeal to you.
[x] time travel
[ ] power
[x] beauty
[x] love
[x] passion
[/] warmth
[/] cold
[/] aliens
[x] exploration
[ ] home
[ ] black holes
[x] freedom
[x] survival
[x] glory
[x] mystery
[x] life
[we all have to die] death
[ ] darkness
[x] starlight
[ ] robots
[x] utopia

Anything else?

Please list 3 people that you have voted for!

[Voters: The options for this theme are here.]

theme: sci-fi 2000: sam witwicky, theme: sci-fi 2000: tricia mcmillan, [sci-fi 2000]

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