stamped as mina murray, buffy, robin hood & luke skywalker // disney fantasy part 1

Dec 16, 2010 22:07

Name: Nicole
Previously stamped as:
Mina Murray, Buffy Summers, Robin Hood & Luke Skywalker (Main)
Neytiri (Avatar)
Yvaine & Lee Scoresby (Fantasy 2000s)
Claire Abshire & David (Sci-Fi 2000s)
Storm & Cyclops (X-Men)
Legolas (Fellowship of the Ring)
The Operative (Sci-Fi Villains)
Jadis the White Witch (Fantasy Villains)
Alice (Syfy's Alice)
Charlie & Sun (Lost)
Lyra Belacqua & Hazel (YA Fantasy)
Eames (Inception)
Would you prefer a [ ] female [ ] male [ ] don’t care or [x] both stamps?

all about you
Positive characteristics: Funny, kind, open-minded, genuine, romantic, loyal, laidback, passionate, compassionate, opinionated, strong-willed
Negative characteristics: Impatient, quick-tempered, lazy, stubborn, selfish, jealous, moody, sensitive
Neutral characteristics: Sarcastic
Likes: Harry Potter, music, politics, reading, stamping, baking
Dislikes: Intolerance, ignorance, arrogance, prejudice, Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewart, Twilight
Personality test types that fit you well: Spontaneous Idealist, ENFP, Enneagram Type 2, Benevolent Creator

this or that
Abstract or Concrete: Abstract
Adventurous or Homey: Homey
Agreeable or Distant: Agreeable
Cheerful or Melancholy: Cheerful
Clever or Pretty: Both
Concise or Wordy: Wordy
Creative or Traditional: Creative
Emotional or Logical: Emotional
Extroverted or Introverted: Extroverted
Fighter or Lover: Both, but more lover
Flexible or Stubborn: Stubborn
Free-spirited or Practical: Free-spirited
Goody-two-shoes or Naughty: Naughty
Helpless or Independent: Independent
Impulsive or Planner: Impulsive
Mental or Physical: Mental
Modest or Vain: Modest
Subdued or Vivacious: Vivacious

a bit more
Can you do magic yourself? That would be pretty sweet, ngl haha!
Do you live in the normal world or in a fantasy one? Normal, with a bit of fantasy intertwined.
Do you ever find yourself breaking out in random song? Haha, every now and then.
What's one thing you long for most in life? Well, it was to find my soulmate and now that I've done that, I just want to live happily with him in Ireland and start a family. :)
Describe where you live or where you want to live: Guess
I should have waited for the Ireland part...but that is where I am absolutely dying to live!
Have you seen any or all of these movies? Which ones are your favorites? I haven't seen The Sword in the Stone or The Black Cauldron in AGES so I literally remember nothing about them.
Do you like the classics or the more forgotten movies better? Classics!
What would you say your overall tone is - happy, sad, dark...? Happy.
What roles do you play?
[ ] hero
[x] heroine
[/] damsel in distress
[x] sibling
[ ] parent
[x] best friend
[ ] guide
[x] comic relief
[ ] mysterious figure
[ ] plucky kid
[ ] animal sidekick

Is there any character or two that you feel are absolutely nothing like you? Dumbo and Ariel.
Anything else? Thanks for voting!
Please list 4 new people that you have voted for!
Alternately, check this box [x] if you’ve voted for everyone who needs votes.

[Voters, the options for this theme are located here.]

theme: disney fantasy i: alice, theme: disney fantasy i: taran, [disney fantasy part i]

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