WTF, seriously?

Apr 18, 2015 23:57

So my old High School class put together a page on Facebook a little while ago. I joined, no biggie, although school was sheer hell for me from grade 4 through to year 10 when I completely lost my shit and beat someone up into a bloody pulp. I've never really looked back since I left, I have no good memories of that place.Then they proposed a ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

howlin_wolf_66 April 18 2015, 14:05:51 UTC
Not being unkind, but is there any chance the bump on the head has affected her temper/personality?

Some people suffer mood swings when subjected to trauma like that... so, whilst her outburst is definitely unreasonable, it MAY not be all her fault.

That's no excuse for the people who have all piled in afterwards, though!

Hope you can keep away from the drama. :-)


maggies_lens April 19 2015, 03:52:07 UTC
I don't know, she was never a particularly nice person. She was always an absolute bitch to me. It could imply be that now she's a protected species she's happy enough just letting all the nasty out knowing no one will call her out on it, and then when someone does she screams discrimination. Just because someone is disabled doesn't make them a saint; assholes come in all shapes, sizes and abilities :D I kind of got over the whole "fragile, treat with care" thing with that when I volunteered with RDA, they're just people, with all the charm or lack thereof as anyone else.


howlin_wolf_66 April 19 2015, 08:40:32 UTC
Yep; could just be that, too! :-)


harnessphoto April 18 2015, 15:26:24 UTC
And this is why I will never go to any of my reunions.


maggies_lens April 19 2015, 03:53:25 UTC
You know, I always thought if anyone ever tried to organise one for my year level something like this would happen. It's like I'm psychic or something :P Or my original analysis of "I'm going to school with a bunch of nasty twats" was eerily accurate.


heavydrtysoul April 18 2015, 16:20:47 UTC

That is ridiculous! 
I love that there is always... ALWAYS...  one crazy bitch who has to make everything hard on everyone else for no real reason other than to be a complete twat. Unfortunately my school was riddled with them so no way in hell did I even consider going to their reunion. 


maggies_lens April 19 2015, 03:54:56 UTC
I'm comfortable in saying I believe about 85% of the girls and a good 50% of the guys I went to school with fit beautifully into the TWAT category. Seriously, biggest bunch of no brain, nasty, white middle class scum you've ever met. I swear if we had trailer parks here that's when most of them would be right now, haunting Walmart.


gingervere April 18 2015, 18:00:22 UTC
OMG that is all so completely ridiculous. They really are trying to get into the high school spirit, aren't they? You are right not to go..

The no partners thing is so odd! I thought half the point of these things was to show off your partner and gossip about everyone else's.

I haven't gone to any of mine and have no interest. I was such an outcast and not very close to anyone. FB updates are all I need, if that.


maggies_lens April 19 2015, 03:58:26 UTC
Yeah much the same. I had a few people I liked well enough, although it's interesting to see in the comments to my private page post about the reunion a couple saying I was always such a great friend and that they'd have my back. Um. You never had my back when I was being bashed, spat on, ostracized and being made to feel like a stepped in dog turd...why would they now? People saying oh everyone's grown up now and kids are just stupid like that, well no sorry, I think how you behave as a kid shows your TRUE personality because there is less censoring and work place policies etc keeping you from being a complete asshole. Somewhat.


beasulike April 18 2015, 19:09:36 UTC
report to the board of education? omg, that's hilarious :D some people literally never make it out of high school. watch out, you might get detention.... or worse, expelled! oh wait.


maggies_lens April 19 2015, 03:58:40 UTC
or worse! The hot guy may not talk to you!!!!! :D


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