I like...my voice. I am proud of being insanely loud! I also enjoy having a versatile voice that's comfortable with both dark/low/jazzy stuff and light/high/classical stuff. This morning I actually thought, "Gee, I really hope my voice settles soon...I love the way it is at the moment!" But alas, the female voice keeps developing until the early thirties...
Oh, I actually think most people have that body image dissonance? I mean, I have looked at my thighs and gone man those look kind of chubby, but like... I never really incorporated weight stuff into my self-image, for whatever reason, I always focused more on face shape/bad skin or whatever. But I periodically look in the mirror and think that can't be my body, that looks so weird, what the hell? Sometimes I get it with other people, too. Like, bodies. Whether they're fat or thin, what the fuck are they? They're kind of fucked up :P look at ribs! How weird are ribs? Okay now I'm rambling, my point is, I think bodily disoonance is probably a normal side-effect of our cerebral nature, but the way it's channeled into specifics is very much a product of our society - like what you said about weight/control. We're constantly told we're not good enough in a general, free-floating sense, and so we focus that feeling on something that fits into a certain social pattern so that we can express it.
PS I really like your art skills! I've like, literally seen them improve in a really short space of time, I used to think your stuff was too pointy but nowadays you post something and I am like yay awesome Des art! Also you have excellent fashion sense and are generally a very shrewd and insightful kind of person :)
Something I like about myself... that I can learn from my mistakes and are improving as a person day by day (not just refering to my spelling). I like the fact that I'm happier and can try more things, even if I get terrified and depressed often. I like that I can be interesting without being stuck up and that I don't piss everyone off. Aso scary brainfruits with people is always good.
wow, so this is what your corner of the internet was up to while I was failing at being asleep ^^;;
I don't know, when someone close to me says they are too fat it kind of upsets me because they aren't really fat at all and yet they've somehow been conditioned into thinking that they are not an ideal weight/figure. I've had numerous conversations with people who are in denial about the fact that guys check them out because they honestly think that they are not attractive at all because they do not conform to normative values of "hotness".
They could be focusing their energies on other things.
I am talking to you on MSN yay.
uh, a thing I like about myself is umm, my sense of humour. yay.
Comments 11
I like...my voice. I am proud of being insanely loud! I also enjoy having a versatile voice that's comfortable with both dark/low/jazzy stuff and light/high/classical stuff. This morning I actually thought, "Gee, I really hope my voice settles soon...I love the way it is at the moment!" But alas, the female voice keeps developing until the early thirties...
Gosh, you! You are a shiny person! I cannot believe how bubbly and excitable you are, it is great, it's like your bones are made of smiles. :D
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Aso scary brainfruits with people is always good.
I don't know, when someone close to me says they are too fat it kind of upsets me because they aren't really fat at all and yet they've somehow been conditioned into thinking that they are not an ideal weight/figure. I've had numerous conversations with people who are in denial about the fact that guys check them out because they honestly think that they are not attractive at all because they do not conform to normative values of "hotness".
They could be focusing their energies on other things.
I am talking to you on MSN yay.
uh, a thing I like about myself is umm, my sense of humour. yay.
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