Title: honey sin skin Fandom: Lolita Word Count: 485
My fumbling attempts at grasping (read: imitating) Nabokov speech. I've been listening to the Lolita audiobook read by Jeremy Irons. It was mezmerizing. ♥
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Last night I finished a thirteen-ish page story that is a creepy retelling of Hansel & Gretal where the witch is an alluring succubus who demands tribute. :D
It still needs about a lot lot lot of revising but! I am proud. And will probably get around to posting when it's been perfected.
SO, I have taken time out of my very hectic day of - book shopping, watching television, and eating many different variations of cooked cheese - so that I may post this smorgasbord of original fiction/poetry. DELICIOUS, NO?
Film: Labyrinth Pairing: Jareth/Sarah Title: snow white skeletons Word Count: 1083 Summary: "Home is where the heart is, not sidhe boneyards and twisting barrows of dust."
Film: Pan's Labyrinth Pairing: Faun/Moanna Title: tangle heart Word Count: 518 Summary: "She cannot abide their restrictive walls - she needs dirt; warm moist earth under her nails, in her eyes; beneath her skin, she wants vines that twist tight in her ribs."