Fandom things.

Feb 05, 2010 17:30

Just got home from work on this rainy Friday evening and I am NOT going back outside until it's tomorrow.... when I have work at freaking 7 am. My job sucks sometimes.

Anyways. I came here to talk about fun fun FANDOM not boring rl stuff. Moving on!

pili204's recent post finally made me consider that I might want to make a fic journal. I'm hardly ( Read more... )

cm, fic

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Comments 8

slam_girl February 6 2010, 01:47:59 UTC
I noticed that some people have fic communities, but honestly, I'm not sure what the difference is. I just have a journal that's been a long work in progress so if it does take you some time to get your fic journal looking all pretty, you're not the only one at least!


magentabear February 6 2010, 02:07:09 UTC
Goodness, yes, it does seem like a process. I tried to avoid it but I guess it's time to get organized.

I think the main thing is not having to log in and out vs being able to backdate entries. So not a big deal no matter what you choose, it seems like.

I love that icon.


shiiki February 6 2010, 01:58:26 UTC
I have no record of a lot of the fics I wrote before 2009. This is sort of terrifying.

I know what you mean. I'm kind of relieved I transferred all my stories to my fic journal (well, fic community). (Which is shiikifics, if you want to watch it. :D)

I like not having to log out and log in again to do what I want with my fics, hence the fic community. The only drawback is the inability to do backdated posts. So ... I'd vote community, but it's really what you find convenient!

And gah, CM ... most of us don't even understand the tech mess ourselves!

Your fics should still be there as they were one-shots, though I suppose they're hard to find because the sort functions aren't working ... but I know I had several of them bookmarked and recced, so I'll see if I can dig them out for you for safekeeping!


shiiki February 6 2010, 02:01:27 UTC
magentabear February 6 2010, 02:05:39 UTC
Gah, you're wonderful! I hit Accio a bunch of times and was able to get about half the links but I didn't have That Moves the World so BIG thank you! That's one of the ones I don't have anywhere else.

I think I'm leaning toward community. Logging in and out would bug me, so I'd just never bother with the fic journal and that seems like a waste.


train_lindz February 6 2010, 02:03:51 UTC
I made myself a fic comm (train_lindz_fic) a while back because I was having a hard time keeping track of everything I wrote if I needed to go back and look for something and it is nice and organized. Also, if need be, I could delete everything in one swoop.

I like having a community rather than a journal, just because I found it easier to organise and I could post fic there as myself and not have to manage two journals - just me posting in a comm. I don't have to log in and out, which is good for the laziness that is me.


magentabear February 6 2010, 02:11:01 UTC
I've just added you, yay! And did I see a Big Bang drabble? I'm gonna have to wander back over to that, yes indeed I will. :)

I can barely having one journal so I'm definitely leaning toward a community. Logging in and out seems like it would be a hassle.


train_lindz February 6 2010, 02:12:17 UTC
I believe I've got two Big Bang drabbles over there... :)

Logging in and out is totally why I went with a comm :)


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