Pros watch: Man Without A Past

Apr 30, 2008 01:03

Late to the party, as ever! I do so enjoy doing these when I get a moment though - they make me relax, which sounds odd, but it’s so nice to just switch off and have fun. I have only read a couple of write ups so far, so if I do copy any ideas I will hopefully credit where due - but here goes (with pics!)

Man Without a Past

Or MWAP, an abbreviation ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

callistosh65 April 30 2008, 03:27:21 UTC
And MWAP to you too for this entertaining review! The pyjama shots made me giggle like a mad thing - only one pair for the whole lot of them whenever they're laid up? Thank God Doyle was bandaged and half-naked is all I can say. You captured some great moments here - I especially love Bodie's 'roll' over the car, frozen there in mid flight. And yes, no suffers quite so adorably as Doyle.


magenta_blue April 30 2008, 19:57:39 UTC
So glad you liked it! The pyjama thing - well, it had occured to me before that Bodie and Cowley had shared a top (who knows about a bottom... oh why did I put that, wrong, wrong...) but then when I saw the blooming 'same' top here I was like ok, I have to hunt this puppy down!

When you freeze frame Bodie's roll, he goes pretty vertical! Or is that he goes vertical (so) pretty? *g* And yes, Doyle suffering - we all stand united, I think!



msmoat April 30 2008, 03:47:06 UTC
Oh, my! I never saw the whole pajama top thing! Oh...that is a bit disturbing, actually. (Although it matches the blouse that three women wear later on in the series.)

Oh, gosh, this was a lovely recap! I chortled all the way through. ("I'm not here for..." Heh.) Thank you! I hope you can play again soon!

Oh (I seem to be starting every line with "oh", but it's late here), and the Forrest house? It's located near EOS's parent's house. It's changed quite a lot since then, but there it is. (Also shows up in "Stopover") They were filming down the road. Did she go and watch said filming? Why, no....


magenta_blue April 30 2008, 20:06:45 UTC
I had stumbled on the strange pyjama top swap before, when I noticed that Cowley was wearing the same top Bodie was writhing around in before in Klansmen. However I didn't realise they were having a menage a trois with Gino (or Mr 'N' *g*) Yes - disturbing! Although I like to think of the wardrobe department consisting of one rather empty cupboard where hangs a pyjama top, a leather jacket and a red / white teatowel for any episode featuring Arabs.

Oh, (now I'm doing it!), EOS's parents are near that house - fab! Not so fab she missed the filming though... just think she could have walked down the road and seen them!


byslantedlight April 30 2008, 07:33:30 UTC
Oh brilliant! Love your commentaries - mwap! You've got a well good memory too - how in the world did you spot the pyjama thing?! You reckon maybe the NHS was supplying? They were all at the same hospital? The costume departmnt really was cheap, eh... And really, no one would have noticed if it weren't for the wonderful new world of video and dvd! Gawd, what'll they invent next that'll make life weird for us?! (Sorry, sidetracked by early-morning-coffee commenting!)

I've clearly not read Bistokids' commentary yet either - thanks for the prompt! *runs to do*


magenta_blue April 30 2008, 20:19:53 UTC
MWAP back atcha!

Glad you liked! Not sure how I spotted the pyjama thing - the worrying explanation is that I pay attention to Cowley's upper half... no, surely not. It's the detail on the top, the little brown patches... (oh bad connotations - I think I will stop. right. there. *g*)

Hmm, what would make life wierd for us, something no one would notice now, yet a new gadget would make it visible... I think I need (several) glasses of wine to ponder that one! I get much more inventive then, funny that... *g*


bistokids April 30 2008, 09:12:17 UTC
Brilliant! XDDD

The Cow looks a bit shaken that Bodie could be the intended victim - compare that to Doyle being the target in Hunter / Hunted!

You know, now you come to mention it, that's absolutely right. All adds fuel to the Bodie/Cowley OTP!

The pyjamas - you win! XD That is fantastic, and something that I'd never ever have picked up (which is why we need agents of your calibre in the field, Ms Blue). Looks like Gino's in Bodie's Klansmen bed, as well, although Cowley appears to have landed himself a classier model altogether.

Glad you agree on the Carrot Holdings thing. I replayed it several times to be sure. (It went -
Bodie: Carrot Holdings
Me: *sporfle*
Paget: Carrot Holdings?
Me: *sporfle*
- rewind -
Bodie: Carrot Holdings
Me *sporfle*
Paget: Carr - (oh I think the pattern is established! XD)


magenta_blue April 30 2008, 20:30:06 UTC
Bwhahahaha - your icon! Oh you are a gem.

I noticed that Cowley and Bodie had shared a top (perhaps a bottom as well... evil chuckle...) before, but then here is Gino (or 'Mr N' *g*), in the same blooming pyjamas! I would pay money to go back in time and glimpse into their sorry wardrobe department, I imagine something akin to a stationary cupboard lit by a bare bulb, the light of which shines upon a solitary pyjama top, an assortment of bad suits, two bright red tracksuits, and a spare red / white teatowel to be turned into Arabian head gear.

And 'sporfle' is such a good word - I sporfled so much at your replay of 'Carrot Holdings' - hahaha, oh how funny. So we have a Forrest, a Crabbe, and a Carrot - are they having a laff?!


solosundance April 30 2008, 09:17:36 UTC
Bodie looks very happy with his girl - so many looks across to her, although it’s probably to check if she is still laughing at the napkins snooorrrt!

Despite her mirth it really didn't sound like a very funny story that Bodie was telling her -- something jungle-based perhaps? -- although his sound effects make me hoot every time. Sigh ... I love it when his eyes crinkle up cos he's giggling so much. Nice recap and great pics ... um I vote for MS wet bum and LC forward roll. Heee! (and MWAP)


magenta_blue April 30 2008, 20:42:27 UTC

It didn't sound a funny story at all, did it, but I do think she found life in general hilarious from the looks of things. But then again his sound effects are priceless, he could tell any story he liked with a few of those and I'd find it very hard to keep a straight face *g*

Glad you liked the recap!


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