Pros watch - Discovered in a Graveyard

Feb 08, 2009 22:11

Been a while!

The DVD says 'A matter of life and death; Doyle is seriously injured, leaving Bodie to track down the person responsible. But will Doyle see his way out the hallucinatory dream world he finds himself in?

Doyle injured and on drugs, and Bodie hell-bent for revenge… my inner kink bell rings happily. Let’s see how the ep stands up…

Come this way... )

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Comments 31

shooting2kill February 8 2009, 23:33:04 UTC
Hm. Bodie knows that Mayli knows the Colonel’s room number, yet sends him back up to wait for her. Odd…

That's the bit I never understood and it annoys me! (The not understanding bit.....). I love this episode and feel it's as much about Bodie's odyssey to find himself and discover how much Doyle means to him as it is about Doyle's near-death experience. And I love Bodie's chase and watch it again and again.

Thanks for this commentary and the great pictures. (And I love the rear view of B and D with D's arm almost going round bodie!)


magenta_blue February 9 2009, 20:26:54 UTC
Maybe they think that sending him back to his room will bait the trap for her, as they now have more than one CI5 bodyguard waiting with him. But she, with her deadly hair, is too quick for them. Or something!

You are right about it being Bodie's odyssey too - the edgy camera work and pared down lighting really show us Bodie's emotions in this - he is very eloquent in what he doesn't say, his face in the ambulance says it all.


sc_fossil February 8 2009, 23:53:19 UTC
I mentioned elsewhere about Bodie sending Lin Foh back up to his room after he's compromised. Did he deliberately use the man as bait and disobey orders? Seems so to me. Or else he would've hustled him right out the front door to a safehouse.

Thanks! Good job.


magenta_blue February 9 2009, 20:29:11 UTC
I think it was a CI5 decision, not just Bodie's, to send Lin Foh back to his room, definitely to act as bait. At least that is my take on it *g* They are not the best always at looking after people in their care - what about that bloke from Heroes who they dressed in a security guard outfit? Whoops...


siskiou February 8 2009, 23:57:29 UTC
‘Can’t afford to give a damn’ said Bodie once, but it is obvious his rules changed where Ray was concerned, as he is giving plenty more than a damn in the ambulance.

Oh, thanks for that!
I was wishing for a bit more from Bodie throughout, but the way his face looks in the ambulance really says it all!


magenta_blue February 9 2009, 20:31:51 UTC
His face speaks volumes in the ambulance. Everything about that scene - the way it is shot to the acting involved, sort of screams how much Bodie cares. He just looks devastated.

Glad you liked!


byslantedlight February 9 2009, 00:15:48 UTC
I'll be back tomorrow when I've read this properly, but I couldn't resist glancing in before bed, and...

Inquest - Doyle looks like he has his arm around Bodie. *g*

Yes! Yes, yes, snap! Just... yes! *vbg*


magenta_blue February 9 2009, 20:33:44 UTC
Ooo come back, come back! *g*

Doyle so has his arm (ish) around Bodie. Or at least touching his shoulder. Hee!


msmoat February 9 2009, 00:22:14 UTC
Yeah! What you said. *g* I love all that description of Bodie in the ambulance, and at the flat, and following Doyle...absolutely. It's part of what I adore in this episode.

And, hey, you've given me a little something to remember to add in to the coda! So, thank you for that. (Mind you, I've lost any time today to work on the coda,'s not happening on time. Alas.)

Thank you for this, and for all the lovely photos!


magenta_blue February 9 2009, 20:36:06 UTC
Poor Bodie looks hit by a ton of bricks through much of this episode. It really works well on so many levels, I love how dark this ep is. I adore it too *g*

I'm glad I have somehow helped you with your coda!


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