So a couple days late, sorry about that, but I forgot my mom was having some minor hand surgery done and needed a minion the past couple of days. She's doing a lot better, loves her painkillers and is a bit sore, but doing good! :)
But, enough of my drama-rama, here is your reminder that in less than one week the Artist sign-ups will be closed - we will accept no more! We have four lonely Artists people, we need more to fill the gap!
In this final week of sign-ups, pimp the heck out of this comm!
Come and join
Artist Sign-Ups close Aug. 27/10.
Copy and Paste this code in your lj to pimp the comm out.
Also, on Aug. 22, the beta sign-ups will also open. Still working out the kinks on how it's being handled, but that's why I have a delegate...yes, delegate...*runs away* ;)
The first check in is also due on Aug. 22! 5000 words are hopefully expected! WRITE! WRITE! WRITE! Squeeze every last drop of inspiration from the muse if you have to!
So be prepared!