Submitting Rough Draft

Nov 18, 2011 17:49

How to submit your fic to mag7bigbang:

Firstly, have you fulfilled the criteria for participating?

* Is your story over 15,000 words?

* Does your story have a beginning, a middle and an end? Your draft does not need to be the final version, but it does have to be essentially complete. It is okay if some scenes need expanding, a place holder can be put in place as long as it gives an explanation of what that character is going to do so your Mixer or your Artist knows what's going to happen. Your draft should not end midway through your story with no ending outlined. Stories won't be accepted without at least an outline of an ending.

If the answers are yes, then it's time to format your draft.

How to format your draft:

* Save your file as a .doc, .rtf or .txt file. Please do NOT save your file as a .docx file as some people can't access this kind of file. Please do not copy and paste your story into the body of your email.


* Warnings are mandatory. You MUST include warnings for rape, dub-con, incest, graphic self-harm/suicide and character death. Any other warnings you wish to make are at your own discretion. If your story does not include any of the mandatory warnings and you do not wish to add any of your own then please write 'none'.

Your story summary:

* Your story summary should be no longer than 700 words. Ideally, it shouldn't be less than 50 words. Remember, this is the hook that will tempt artists and mixers to pick your story over another one. Think about it like a blurb on the back of a novel - sell your story! Don't forget that potential mixers and artists won't be the only ones to see your summary, though - if you have plot twists you don't want readers to know, then don't reveal them in your summary. Hints are great! Secrets you want to keep secret: not so much.

Sending your draft in to your mods:

* Send your email to with 'Mag7Big Bang Rough Draft' in the subject line.

* Attach your draft.

* Include the following basic information in the body of your email - please complete all sections:

1. Your livejournal username:

2. Your email address:

3. Your word count:

4. This is the part we will copy and paste into the summary post. If you require any additional html tagging, please include this too (for example: spoiler tags) - we will not tag your summary for you. Please try not to use bold or strikethrough tags as this can interfere with the summary post as we update it once claims are open.


Please remember this is not the final draft of your story you are submitting!!

You do not have to submit your rough draft right away, the due date is on Friday November 25. Summaries for the Artists/Mixers will go up on Sunday November 27

Final drafts are due: Friday December 30

If you see anything you think I might have missed, feel free to leave a comment and I'll do my best to correct the issue.

status, (mod), !submitting, !reminder

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