Title: The Art of Death
Author: Maeve Bran
Summary: Willow is involved in the case of Amy Cullen
Disclaimer:I don't own Buffy or Angel or Bones
Notes:This is for the August fic a day. Takes place durring "The Graft in the Girl" episode of Bones. Part of the Willow the Squint universe.
TTH 100 Prompt: #8 Illness
Word Count: 371
Willow couldn't believe the speed at which the cancer spread in the bone graft recipients. The illness was killing otherwise healthy people in less than a year. Didn't it take years to die of cancer? That was the way it always sounded on the news. Amy Cullen was dying after a year with her graft. No treatments were working. It just wasn't fair.
Willow became even more determined than usual to find a solution. Amy reminded her of her best friend, Buffy Summers. Buffy's determination to fight when the outcome seemed already decided, like the time with the Master was like what Amy exhibited in fighting this cancer. Buffy had known the prophecy about her death but had faced the Master and she was still here. Ok, so Buffy had died that night, but their friend, Xander Harris, had preformed CPR and Buffy was still here. So Buffy had died a second time and this time Willow herself had resurrected her, but the point was Buffy had fought and was still fighting and Amy was fighting.
Willow noticed that she wasn't the only one affected. Her teacher, Angela Montenegro, seemed to be taken in as well. Amy displayed a talent that drew Angela's artistic side to a fellow artist. Willow was more than happy to digitize the painting that Amy had given Angela and help set up the equipment to project it on the hospital wall. She was extremely gratified by the look of wonder on Amy's face as she realized just what fun computers could be.
While Angela and Willow were trying to make some of Amy’s dreams come true, Special Agent Seeley Booth and Dr. Temperance Brennan were working on solving who had done this to Amy. They had and in the process saved several people from the same fate, but that didn’t save Amy. Angela was feeling guilty because there was nothing more she could do, so Dr. Jack Hodgins suggested that she build the Louvre digitally so Amy could see another dream come true. Willow thought this was an excellent idea and helped gather the pictures for input into the program. Nothing could heal Amy but at least they had made her happy for a little while.
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twistedshorts and