Sep 08, 2011 21:43

I wanted to get my pictures from the amazing DA meetup at Dragon*Con online before I go away again, so here they are! With a few bonus Mass Effect at the end.

Dragon Age Meetup @ Dragon*Con! )

dragon*con 2011, cosplay, dragon age, dragon*con

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Comments 13

malinear September 8 2011, 23:33:34 UTC
Yay pictures I haven't seen yet! :D


grey_wonderer September 9 2011, 08:06:34 UTC
Those are just excellent photos. Thanks for sharing.


kedriaa September 9 2011, 13:35:09 UTC
Wow! Impressive! Thanks for sharing ♥


(The comment has been removed)

madzilla September 9 2011, 20:40:08 UTC
Hello again! :) I know you on Twitter, but it'd be great to be friends on here! :D


middlemarching September 9 2011, 21:54:03 UTC
I'm the Anders fangirl in the black T-shirt! :D Was that you I chatted with while all the interviews were being conducted?


madzilla September 9 2011, 21:58:26 UTC
You ARE?? Yep, that was me! I'm the one in the green shirt! OMG! I have your Tumblr and email but didn't get an LJ name! What a coincidence. :D


saynotoinertia September 9 2011, 21:26:06 UTC
Awesome pics! I had a blast at my first Dragon*Con and the DA group was one of the biggest highlights of the experience. :)

Also, I'm pretty sure that getting a Mass Effect/Dragon Age combo pic should be some sort of Con Achievement. ;)


madzilla September 9 2011, 22:02:00 UTC
I hadn't been to a costume meetup like that before and thought I might feel a bit like a gatecrasher as I wasn't in costume. But I didn't, it was awesome! I hope it becomes an annual thing. :)

Yep, they should totally add that to the D*C Photo Scavenger Hunt. :)


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