Fic - Jarlos song meme

Jun 12, 2010 00:34

So... ehm, guys? I had to do this again. I had to do this with James and Carlos. Because I LOVE THEM. And I actually love this meme. Actually, I like to think of it as a writing exercise. And for this reason, I think everyone should do it. Really. Because it is plotless. So you really have to know how you feel about the pairing. You have to have it down in your mind about their dynamic. And I think it would be really interesting to see how everyone is doing them.
(stoodupforlove and xxinfinitenoise did them and they are lovely. ♥)
So I believe that everyone should try it out and post it because I want to see how everyone else feels.

Like, personally, I like James a bit stronger and angrier than he is often viewed. I like him a bit more boyish and headstrong when I write him. (That's not to say I don't appreciate the other ways he is written!) And I like Carlos a little bit more than sweet and goofy. I like him a little bit sad inside in a way that he pushes down. And I like him as the sweetest guy in the world to everyone because he doesn't really know what to do with his sadness but help others. I like him when he is the caretaker between him and James because James is really apt not to think about other people first. I like them as for year olds with awesome sex lives. Pretty much. Fun and silly and totally and completely in love because all the other crap about their personalities gets washed away because they're sort of ying and yang and balance each other out in a big way.
And there's the fact that I love writing people in bed... Not even in a sexual way. (I almost never write sexual fic in beds...) I just like the image of people sleeping together. Even more I like people waking up to each other. Which is totally apparent in this.
And I did skip one song, because it was purely instrumental and I just didn't know how to do it. *is a failure*

Further proof that they are the Blink and Mush of BTR

1) College Kids - Relient K

He was not growing up. He was not going to college like his parents wanted him to. He was gonna be a goddamn popstar. And they couldn’t get that through their thick heads. They couldn’t understand that he wasn’t trying to spite them. He didn’t want to disappoint them. It was just his life. And he was gonna live it.

And nowhere in his soul did it tell him to be a banker.

He was going to be the next big face.

Carlos understood it. Carlos understood everything he’d ever told him. Carlos didn’t question what he wanted. Carlos knew that if he said he was hungry he should order food and if he said he was horny than he should start undressing. Carlos didn’t want anything from him. Carlos just wanted him to be happy and live his life like he wanted.

2) Lady - Regina Spektor

Sometimes when James sings my heart breaks. I don’t really know what else to say about it. But he was singing a really sad song the other day and I thought I was going to start crying. I guess James is just so good at making people feel what he does. He always has been. Logan has the best words; he’s the smart one after all. And Kendall can rally us, sure.

But James has always been the best at showing how he feels and making everyone else feel that way.

So when he sings sad songs, it’s supposed to make me sad right?

But it’s also that look he gets in those soft brown eyes. They’re like wet sand with green and gold in them. And he looks so unhappy and it kills me. I don’t want him to look sad. Ever. I want him to be happy all the time. Because when he’s sad, then I am too.

3) Cover Me - Bruce Springsteen

“What are you doing up, boy?”

“We have an early rehearsal. We have to be at the recording studio at eight-thirty.”

“It’s five in the morning,” Carlos scratches at his eyes, thinking that just maybe he’s reading the clock wrong, because James can’t possibly be awake at five in the morning because it’s just not natural.

“I have to shower and eat and I was gonna get an hour work out in, you know, so we could hang out tonight.”

Carlos grinned a little, in spite of himself and the time and the fact that James was certifiably insane.

He gestured with his hand for James to come over. “Come here. I’ll give you a work out,” he whispered, pulling James down on top of him and kissing him fiercely.

4) The Get Go - New Young Pony Club

Carlos was constantly active. He was in no way out of shape because he was constantly running around and wrestling and carrying things and hanging off of stuff. He even did some pushups at night. He was really in excellent shape, and James was really very appreciative.

James was in good shape because he spent an hour and a half in the gym and usually went on a five-mile run every day.

And what better bonding is there than sharing this run with someone you love?

It was around mile three where Carlos lagged behind until he stopped completely, hands on his knees and bent over, breathing heavily.

James had gotten quite bit ahead but ran back screaming, “What’s wrong?”

“You. Are. Insane.” Carlos said between pants. “I can’t run any more.”

“Yes you can. It’s not that far. Come on, let’s get going.”

Carlos hated the run. James hated that Carlos was too sore that night for any other physical activities. They never went running together again.

5) Downtown - Tegan and Sara

“Wake up sleepy head.” I kissed his temple softly. Carlos could have slept until three in the afternoon if we let him.

“’S early. Back to sleep,” he slurred grabbing around my waist and trying to lock me t here. Fortunately, I was a lot stronger than he was. I released his grip and picked him up out of bed and dropped him down again so he bounced onto the mattress. The only time Carlos was ever angry was when you woke him up. “What did you do that for?!”

“I’m going downtown. Shopping and stuff. Don’t you want to come with?”

“We couldn’t have gone later?”

“You have to get up sometime anyway. At least it was with me. And hey, did you want me to leave you here?”

Carlos grumbled a little and threw on his jeans from yesterday. “At least you’re taking me with you.”

6) Shh - Frou Frou

Sometimes, Carlos got really home sick. Sometimes, Carlos had nightmares that he didn’t even know he was having. Sometimes, Carlos would sob in his sleep about missing his family-- and Carlos would never ever cry if he were awake. Sometimes, Carlos would sob about how awful it was to not have a mother, because he missed her and it just wasn’t fair that she got taken from him.

His papí had told James about these dreams when they moved in together. He said that the best way to deal with them was to ignore them because Carlos wouldn’t remember them in the morning.

This is exactly what James did the first night, but when Carlos woke up, his philosophy had completely changed. He had dark, heavy bags under his eyes. He had the look of a wild animal that had gotten spooked but didn’t really know what the source was. And it broke James’ heart into a million pieces.

He had a much better way of dealing with the problem now.

Carlos started to cry out in his sleep and James padded across the distance between their beds. He crawled in with the smaller boy and wrapped him up in his arms. “Shh…” he said, kissing softly over his face, watching his eyelids flutter until a soft, peaceful expression sat on his face.

7) Growin’ Up - Bruce Springsteen

James stood up against everything. He didn’t stand up for what he thought like Kendall did. No, James was much more defiant. He didn’t want to agree with anyone. He was so used to fighting it out with his parents that it was just his default. It was how he was growing up. He was growing strong and he was growing to be a man and he was not going to take anything from anyone.

Carlos tried to make people happy. He just didn’t like seeing anyone angry, ever. He just wanted the world to be filled with sunshine and pleasant thoughts. Carlos still acted like a little boy, but James could see that in some ways, he was really the grown up-that he was really the stronger one.

8) Not With You - Tegan and Sara

James is gone for a week. James is gone for a week because he goes home to see his family because his big sister is graduating.

Logan is relatively certain that during this week he is going to kill Carlos. He forgets just how much energy he has, especially when James isn’t there to exercise it out of him. He forgets how mopey Carlos can be when he isn’t happy. He forgets how tiring a mopey Carlos can be because he goes from bouncing off the walls to sitting and talking for hours and back again in circles.

Logan is so happy when James gets back that it makes Kendall suspicious.

Logan laughs and falls back into Kendall on the couch. “No. Watch,” he whispers, gesturing to the reunion that is happening by the door.

Carlos runs into James’ arms and is literally holding himself up on his body, latched on like a baby monkey.

9) She Says - Howie Day

James decided that he could really care less for Stephanie. He decided that if she comes over with baked goods one more time, he is going to rip her tiny little head off of her tiny little body because she is a little bitty girl and he is a big strong man. And over his dead body would she be getting to Carlos.

One morning she is lounging by the pool.

“Do you know when Carlos will be down?” she smoothes her hair.

“Oh I don’t know. He told me he’s taking a shower and he’ll be down when he was done.”

“Oh,” she stands up, “maybe I should go check on him.”

James stands in front of her. “I don’t think so, honey. He is a big boy and he can handle it.”

“Maybe he’d like the surprise…”

“No. He would not. He doesn’t want anything to do with you,” he plasters on a grin, but looks like the devil in his eyes. “I can promise you that. He is my boy. Now, would you kindly back the fuck off? Thanks.”

He storms off to their room, because, hey, maybe Carlos would like a surprise shower visitor.

10) I’m Lion-O - Relient K (I know nothing about the Thundercats so… ehm… stretch.)

“You look like a rabbit when you do that.”

James was making faces into the mirror, practicing for headshots.

“Well, you are a lion.”

“What? I do not look like a lion,” he crinkles his face up.

“Yes you do. Like right now you look like a little confused cub. And when you’re proud you look like the alpha male. And when I do this,” James bites at Carlos’s neck and steps back to watch the expression on his face, “you look fierce like you’re on the hunt.”

Later at dinner, Mrs. Knight asks about their evening plans. Everyone else says that they’re just going to stay in and hang. Carlos lets out a lion roar.

Logan sinks his hands into his palms, “I don’t even want to know.”

I really have to finish the rest of my projects that I want to do before I start anything else. I have like four in the works/my head. Yep. I am lazy and have an over active imagination. I have lots of things to do. Including responding to things and writing my fic exchange piece and talking to people and watching loads of movies. But I will have time, because my best friend is going to Indiana. *frumple*


james: bandanas and tantastic skin, fanfiction, jarlos: legos and an endless kink, carlos: helmets and sex voice spanish, big time obsession

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