Now that I'm feeling much better, it's time to get down to business!
Welcome new arrivals! I hope you've settled in alright!
Now for the fun part! For me anyway. Due to the influx of new residents and the various recent happenings over the last few months, My medical records are sadly out of date. So if you would be so kind as to fill out my
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Do tell.
Or I can ask the Kureha for some more... interesting ideas.
... {okay so he'd rather not see what Kureha comes up with.}
Alright, fair enough. One moment...
Now,how how many people are in the city that have been affected to this fruit? Are there any of the fruit in the city? And I would like to run some tests on you, before chip removal and after chip removal. This would include a DNA sample before and after, physical tests and possibly some water tests. There as to be a logical reason for the affects of water on you. Is the water affect on everyone? And this 'sea stone'is there any in the city I may examine?
Not that I know of.
... Tests? I uh..s-sure. I guess?
Everyone that ate the fruit, yes. Rain and snow don't seem to do the same. It's just miserable.
Again, not really sure. I hope not. It does the same as the chip.
{He's beginning to wonder what he's done. :|}
Then I would like to meet all three of the people that are affected by the fruit for additional tests.
From the sounds of it, this fruit has the property to rewrite DNA. I would like to see to what extent.
More interesting notes. So the snow and rain affect you like everyone else?
Taking into account that the stone has similar properties to the chips we receive upon arrival, that may come of use.
Sure. Well, I think you already know one of them actually...
Pretty much. Though I tend to make it STOP snowing by just being here.
Hm, I'm not even sure what it looks like. I've only ever seen it in a remastered form.
I see, then for all we know we may have some laying about in the lake.
That is a possibility.
The tests are nothing to worry about. Every cell in your body has your DNA in it. All I need is a small blood sample and a tissue sample, a strand or two of hair will do. Harmless really. As for the physical tests. A physical fitness test is all I require, plus some specially designed exercise.
And with your help, hopefully the chip will be located. Besides relax, a dead test subject doesn't do me any good here.
Good point. Though that pink medic thought it was a better idea.
I'd be careful of her, she doesn't seem to like experimentation much.
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