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When we last left the Eden family, Audrey had just given birth to her second child, a little girl named Bianca. It's getting to be a full house, with teenage stepson Sam, toddler Benjamin, and baby Bianca. But she's not done yet...
It's birthday time! Audrey is first, and she throws a big party. (Er, even the maid took some time off to come celebrate - which I guess is okay now that they're getting paid a flat rate rather than hourly!)
I'm old now, I can have cake if I want to. DON'T JUDGE ME.
Bianca just birthdayed into toddlerhood. She is totally a daddy's girl.
Her parents both have wishes for her to be a genius, but I'm not thinking that's going to happen. The square peg goes in the SQUARE HOLE, my dear.
WELL HI THERE MR. FANCY PANTS. Those pants are awfully fancy, Benjamin. But it's your birthday! How's it feel to be a genius virtuoso neat freak? It feels like being the favorite heir, that's what it feels like.
That look on Audrey's face could either be "more kids? seriously?" or possibly "while you're wearing that stupid shirt? seriously?"
Apparently Leighton is more convincing than I thought.
On the bright side, he's a really good dad! Benjamin is a freaking star student.
And let's just say it's a good thing Bianca is really cute.
Though I suspect the reason she looks so depressed when she grows up is that she got the Can't Stand Art trait and lives in a house full of artists.
OH NOES BABY!!! Shut up, Leighton, as if you didn't see this coming. It's another girl this time, named Brie.
Benjamin is really trying to help his little sister get smarter, but it doesn't seem to be taking. YOU OPENED WITH THE QUEEN'S PAWN? RLY?
Eleanor comes over to try to mac on Sam again, but things are NOT going well. What's up, Sam?
Meanwhile, time for more MASS BIRTHDAYS. Benjamin is first, and makes a cute if somewhat awkward looking teen. His dad seems much more excited than he does, that's for sure.
Brie's a toddler, and looks pretty much just like her older sister.
And Sam is a very dashing young adult! His stepmom is like OMG YOU ACTUALLY TURNED OUT CUTE!
Now that Benjamin is a teen he's taken over some of the late night baby duties. He and Brie seem to get along pretty well, though!
... seriously, guys? It should be noted at this point that (A) Leighton's lifetime wish is to raise five kids to teenagers, and (B) Audrey hasn't been to work since her first pregnancy but has been getting maternity leave the entire time. Win!
Which I think is why Audrey's rather pleased to be pregnant again. She wants to be an illustrious author, and if she had to go to work to get paid she'd be in trouble!
Unsurprisingly, Bianca is a hottie. Though she immediately decides that something needs to be done about her hair, because it's her MOM'S HAIRCUT. Barf.
Speaking of barf, she keeps trying to watch soap operas, and her dad keeps just sitting down and turning on his videogames without asking. Dad!
Oh, by the way, remember how Sam didn't seem to click with Eleanor? Well there was a good reason for that, and it turns out that the neighbor across the street fits the bill MUCH better.
In fact...
QUICKIE WEDDING! Though why they decided to get hitched in the nursery is beyond me, especially since there were tons of people there for the wedding party. Though strangely enough, the weird old lady was NOT invited. Party crasher. And you know what happens to party crashers...
THEY RANDOMLY DIE RIGHT AFTER THE CEREMONY. Strangely enough, Sam didn't seem to think it put much of a damper on his nuptials. In fact, since no one knew who she was, no one really cared.
Don't worry, Sam's just moved across the street.
Meanwhile, Brie has a birthday and looks sufficiently miserable. Probably because SHE can't stand art either.
Benjamin is still trying to help Bianca get her grades up, but she's pretty hopeless.
She is, however, very good with kids. Which is convenient, because a bouncing baby boy named Benton was just born. (Noticing a pattern here? Note to self: Make sure that sims with big families wishes get in on the better letters of the alphabet.)
By the way, these are the new next-door neighbors. The girl chatting with Benjamin is Zoe. They seemed to hit it off...
But he started crushing hard when she told him she was a gamer. Of course, she's an older woman...
Still, he won't be a teenager much longer, so he's been orchestrating excuses to spend time with her, like chess matches in the park.
It's Benton's birthday! He's neurotic, which does not bode well for this family.
Okay, so it should be noted at this point that the sim god was unsure whether Sam would count towards Leighton's desire for raising five children from babies (since he came into Sunset Valley as a toddler). The kid count otherwise is at four: Benjamin, Bianca, Brie, and Benton. And for some reason Audrey didn't seem to be conceiving. So Leighton convinced her that they needed one more... and they adopted a little girl.
Her name is Bethany, and she's ADORABLE.
OOPSIE. Audrey is a little peeved now. WHERE WAS MY LULLABYE? I DIDN'T HEAR A LULLABYE. Well. Seven kids. They should be sainted, really.
Especially since Benton is a holy terror. Oh, and Brie just became a teenager. She's an athletic daredevil, and everything she does is EXTREME. Though mostly what she gets is EXTREME BABYSITTING.
Or EXTREME FREAKING OUT. Audrey's like, chill out. I've done this five times already. Though thank god I'm having a birthday in a few days.
And this is Bastian, the sixth (seventh, counting Sam) and final of Leighton's children. If we thought Benton is bad? Bastian's evil and insane. Obviously they should have stopped at five.
On the bright side, the first of Audrey's children has grown up. Benjamin, the heir apparent to the Eden legacy, is now a young adult. Notice how Zoe's standing right beside him? Consider that a spoiler for the next installment. ;)